Reasons to use postcards for business

Sending a printed postcard through mail might not be your first thought when thinking of new ways to communicate with your audience. Sadly, a lot of what might be regarded as outdated marketing strategies are not immediately thought of.


Despite spending an increasing amount of time online, people still have a strong, long-lasting connection to receiving physical mail. In fact, over 80% of consumers take time to peruse their mail (and we are not talking about junk mail), giving you the opportunity to present your brand to them; however, make it unique and personalized.

Everybody, including your rivals, bombards your customers with emails and other targeted (mostly digital) marketing, just like you and I do. By providing people with something tangible they can hold on to (and possibly stick on their refrigerator), postcards allow you to add an extra, creative, and personal touch to your marketing. Many generic direct mail items, such as brochures and catalogues, are discarded as junk mail and sent directly from letterbox to recycling bin.

Additionally, a large portion of personalized mail we receive still consists of bills or credit card statements. Sending custom postcards for business marketing is a fantastic way to engage with your target audience and really grab their attention. Business postcards continue to play a significant role in contemporary marketing and offer tremendous opportunities for your brand message to be seen.

A traditional marketing channel can be given a contemporary spin. Consider it email for mailboxes, and remember that this is good email, not spam.



Online postcard printing is a cost-effective way to advertise your company, even for small businesses and sole proprietors. When you automate them through dashboard or our post API, they are simple to create, do not need an envelope, and do not take a lot of human effort to prepare or deliver.


Simply by placing a physical letter in letterbox of your target audience, you can spread word about your company, look for new customers, ask for referrals, and generate leads.


Direct mail marketing in form of postcards, in contrast to digital marketing methods, is guaranteed to arrive in their letterbox, where it must be physically retrieved. There are no spam filters to worry about.

Brand identity

Using your personalized postcards, solidify your branding and showcase your creativity while reinforcing essence of your company. Postcards are a highly visual medium.

Results right away

Postcards are a discreet way to advertise and are simple to use; they can be tucked away in a pocket, small handbag, wallet, or even pinned to a corkboard or put on their fridge.

Get real results

Never send another marketing campaign again without measurable outcomes. Use a unique discount offer on your postcard, along with an ordering code, to help you track measurable outcomes of your marketing campaign.

Beat your rivals

One of the most underutilized marketing tools is a postcard. Sending business postcards will not only give you a competitive advantage, but it will also keep your rivals in the dark.


So, choose services offering best postcards printing in Florida to guarantee high quality output.