IVD Approved RT-PCR Kit

Real Time PCR Testing Kit – Rapi-Q HT & Rapi-Q

Cases for Using Rapid Antigen Testing


The rapid antigen tests like the kits available on RAPi-Q HT & Rapi-Q have widespread use for various virus infections. When you perform them simultaneously, they generally have lower sensitivities and specificities than the RT-PCR tests. That is why many testing programs have the confirmatory RT-PCR for the positive antigen tests in an asymptomatic person. For the negative tests, you will see it in the symptomatic people and those in close contact with the positive cases.

Serial testing increases the sensitivity of the rapid antigen tests. It is more practical than the serial RT-PCR testing. Thus it plays a more significant role in categorizing infections during the critical early transmission period.

According to a cohort study of the rapid antigen test, the performance of the tests was the best when the asymptomatic patients tested three times in 48-hour intervals. Their sensitivity was raised from 38% to 79%.

What are the Benefits of the PCR Test?

The Rapi-X 16 Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction System of the PCR tests is more reliable and accurate. It is because they test a specific genetic material of the virus. They eliminate any interference from other viruses. So, the result is foolproof.

PCR or Antigen Test: Which One to Choose?

Many kits are available that health professionals can choose from and administer the test on the patients. The patients also can choose the Kits available on RAPI-X 96 amongst many other kits for rapid testing.

If you go to the clinic to get tested, you do not get to choose the test kit the medical professional will use. It is a matter of what tests are readily available and the probability of you having the virus.

Medical professionals will most likely choose PCR when there is a low probability of you having the virus. Still, they must be sure that the patient does not have the virus in their body. The antigen they choose depends on the patient’s probability of carrying the virus (what symptoms they show). Only then can they screen the patient as positive or negative.

Rapid Test Pros

  • Home-based
  • Fast results (10-30 minutes)
  • Affordable
  • Can detect it in the asymptomatic people

Rapid Test Cons

  • User error may influence the results
  • A higher false negative rate

It does not work if you do not have the symptoms