Real Estate Lead Generation Ideas Through Social Media 2020

In this blog, we are going to share two primary ways how you can generate leads as a real estate agent on social media. You can implement these strategies to see better results. At the end of the blog, we will share a power tip that agents use to 10x their results on social media.Thousands of real estate agents around the country are growing their business with social media and you can also do that to grow your real estate business, if you’re into real estate field. There’s no question that social media is a powerful place to grow in any industry. You can generate leads from social media.


How exactly you can use social media to grow your business in 2020. When it comes to social media marketing there are two ways to expand your reach, connect with audiences and generate leads. It all comes down to paid and organic lead generation. Paid lead generation is using ads to promote your content to get. It seen by as many people as possible ads and promotions can be created on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and beyond. If you are creating content and paying these platforms to promote it, so it can be seen by the right people. You can accomplish a couple of different goals using paid campaigns.

Number one:   you can get in front of new audiences, now when we talk about audiences typically we think of them in terms of cold and warm just like leads. A cold audience is a group of people who haven’t heard of you yet most likely their first impression of what your business will be via a targeted ad.  Because you can pay a relatively small amount of money to promote your content to get it. In front of a lot of eyes through demographic and location targeting this is great ways to increase the effectiveness of farming establishes yourself in your market and generally increase your brand awareness.

Number two you can also use paid campaigns to help, make sure that you stay in front of your warm audiences. There are a lot of people on social media and the numbers suggest practically confirm that the vast majority of your database your SOI past and prospective clients are all checking into various social media platforms. Every single day now we know that as real estate agents, our job is to stay top of mind so having the ability to show up where the eyes are multiple times a day is huge right.

Paid advertising on social media when done in the right way can be effective in generating leads as with any sort of prospecting. We just need to extend a compelling offer in exchange for their contact information. If you run an ad to invite prospective buyers and sellers to view homes on your home search site and have a lead capture form ready to get their email and phone number once they sign up. If you have a marketing platform that allows you to do this you can of course also promote your new listings in this way. As well you can offer a free home valuation report you could run a giveaway where you’re raffling up an item of value. But tip here tries to tie that in with interests that are aligned with your audience, meaning if you’re wanting to get buyer leads raffle off something like a  discount coupon for first ten buyers. You could even run an ad inviting the public an event like an open house a homebuyer seminar or a community networking happy hour that you put on the options, as you can see are endless, Now it sounds like magic right through up.

An ad get contacts great not so fast there are some downsides to only doing paid advertisements without organic posts:-

Number one this takes a lot of trial and error which can become expensive. You have to have identified goals and knowledge of the platforms to create high performing ads without hiring an outside agency. It’s honestly more simple than you might expect, but it does take some groundwork and it’ll cost you some ad budget. While you figure out what works number two you’re most likely to engage with cold leads. These typically will be harder to convert and some may even be completely unresponsive because they don’t know you and maybe they don’t trust you. In real estate, people do business with those whom they know and trust. So you have to the trust factor for this,  to be wildly successful which leads us to organic lead generation.

 Social media just refers to building a brand strategy relying on the free tools that are already available to you from these powerful platforms you’re acting like a real person on social media connecting with real people who will buy or sell in your favorite neighborhoods no BOTS no fake followers no slimy gimmicks. Building an organic presence on social media is so important organic content on your social media profiles can convert better leads more effectively than just using paid ads. If you’re looking for paid ads on social media you’re going to want to back it up with an established authentic. Because if somebody sees an ad from you they are probably going to do their due diligence by looking at your social media profiles to determine if you are a trustworthy Authority.

If your social media strategy up until that point has looked like this you may have just lost a client. An organic lead generation strategy is built on connecting conversing and then converting. You want to connect with the right audiences the people on social media who are going to buy or sell in your area and this is a quality over quantity question. What good do 10,000 followers fans or subscribers do to you if they never actually become a client’s? Treat social media as an extension of your database connect with your friends your family past clients referral partners vendors and prospects first and then start posting content consistently. The most valuable content that you can share is content that you think these people want to see.