Improve Readability Score

Readability score – what it is and how it is associated with SEO?

When it comes to blogging, one aspect that many people ignore is the readability of their writing, otherwise known as the readability score. Bloggers and content marketers will work to improve keyword density, keyword decorations, meta tags, picture alt tags, and a slew of other on-page SEO factors. They, on the other hand, frequently disregard the readability of their text. To enhance your readability score, you can approach SEO services as they have a better understanding of it.



What is readability, exactly? 

Users should be able to quickly understand your thoughts and ideas if your writing is “readable.” Content that is easy to read promotes user engagement and reduces misinterpretation. 

Readability is aided by a variety of writing aspects. The following are the most common: 

Word selection 

Average word syllable length 

The length of a sentence 

The total number of sentences is 

The organization of sentences 


What is the relationship between SEO and readability? 

Content readability is directly associated with SEO. Readability is an important feature in online content, and it can help your site rank higher in search engines. 

The practice of making your work intelligible and digestible for your target audience is known as readability. It is crucial to market to your target demographic. In consequence, search engines prioritize and rank sites that have clear content for their intended audiences. 


How to improve readability score? 

Concentration on short sentences and simple words is the key. Other factors include:

Make your sentences shorter. 

If you have a big sentence, split it into two parts. The rule of thumb is “one thought, one sentence.” Use small words instead of long words. 


Reduce the number of syllables in your sentences. 

When possible, use one- and two-syllable terms. Use lengthier terms only if they are well-known and widely utilized. 


Make your paragraphs as short as possible. 

Attempting to cram too many words and information into a little space can backfire. Subheaders and graphics can also be used to break up the text. 


Stay away from stiffness.

Make your text less professional and more conversational with less use of jargon.


Speak in your readers’ language 

You should use words that are simple to understand. Keep your distance from techno-babble. Your content should be accessible to everyone who wants to read it. 


‘What is a good readability score’? 

It is relatively easy to read texts with a high Flesch reading ease score (about 100). For web copy, a reading ease score of 60-70 is considered acceptable/normal. The same is true for the ‘Yoast readability score.’


Conclusion: You can use tools such as the Yoast readability score or follow the above tips so that the readability of your content becomes easy and simple.