Quintessential spring landscape checklist for homeowners

When the spring is around the corner, homeowners need to run a thorough and full inspection of their yards. That way, they could identify problems beforehand to the next growing season.


The safest way is to hire a professional landscaper Elburn IL who is efficient in identifying issues that might not have come to your notice.

While you may connect with the certified tree service Elburn IL anytime, here we have curated the DIY landscaping checklist for the spring season for a detailed yard inspection for homeowners.

Checkout for any dead branch

Tree pruning isn’t limited to trees, instead, if you have shrubs or other plants in the paver contractor Elburn IL, check for dead branches and remove them immediately. New growth needs to prune such dead branches back.

In case, you come across any sort of limbs, fungal material, holes, or any other pest infestation signs, consult a certified arborist immediately. Don’t indulge in removing large dead branches yourself, it might be dangerous.

Checkout foliage

Whether you witness leaves yellowing lesser foliage or even lesser flowering than last season, it is another indicator of trees requiring specialty treatments. When you have an old and mature tree, simple deep root fertilization is the best trick to cure such issues. But, always remember to identify other environmental factors that might be contributing to yellowing, less foliage, or lesser flowering for your trees.

Check out the base and around the trunk

The moment you begin checking the base, look out for oozing or any other slimy material. These might be as small as a slime flux but, when identified at the earliest, these are treatable.

Checkout for large cracks, crevices, cavities, or any other damages due to environmental extremities. These might need expert arborist evaluation immediately.
Additionally, mushrooms or other sort of fungal matters are a sign of root rot. Consult certified landscapers to get this issue addressed immediately.

Now when you know the spring checklist for your landscape, plan a full and thorough inspection of trees, shrubs, and other plants. Consult a certified tree service company when you come across any issues. In the meantime, mulch your trees, fertilize them, and plant more and more new trees in the spring season.