IVD Approved RT-PCR Kit

Qualitative Research – Real Time PCR Instrument and solution

The conclusion

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Blood DNA purification is critical in molecular biology research, providing researchers with high-quality genetic material for various applications. From traditional methods like phenol-chloroform extraction to modern techniques such as silica-based column purification and magnetic bead-based methods, researchers have various options to choose from based on their specific requirements. The choice of method should consider factors such as yield, purity, ease of use, scalability, and downstream applications. By understanding the principles and techniques involved in blood DNA purification, researchers can ensure the reliable extraction of DNA and enhance the success of their experiments.

Qualitative Research
In the healthcare field, qualitative tests like the real-time PCR instrument/solution/device/systems help to understand the pattern of health behaviours. It has ample applications in the healthcare system and thus can be used in multiple research studies. The qualitative research methods will further inform the decisions of healthcare professionals in the future.

Always follow the medical guidelines while taking the test as a patient and administering it as a healthcare professional. The PCR testing will show you a definite diagnosis based on which you can take healthcare measures accordingly.

Methods Used to Extract Total RNA
Here is a list of all the methods that scientists and medical professionals use to extract the total RNA from the cell sample at the lab.

  • Ambion TRIZOL reagent Kit: Scientists and medical professionals can extract the total RNA per the manufacturer’s instructions. They use an extraction buffer in this method that contains guanidium thiocyanate. The RNA is usually precipitated in isopropanol.
  • RNeasy Plant Mini Kit: This kit uses guanidium thiocyanate-based lysis buffer in RNA purification using a silica-membrane column.
  • Furtado Method: The MAG RNA-II was isolated using TRIZOL and RNeasy Plant Kit. The TRIZOL reagent extracts RNA and collects the aqueous phase in the PLC buffer.


  • CTAB-LiCl Method: The scientists extracted the SPIN RNA as described by the White experiment. This method uses the ionic detergent cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in the extraction buffer to precipitate the RNA.

Purpose of RNA Extraction: Gene Profiling
There are multiple protocols for RNA extraction from tissue samples at medical facilities. Over the years, human tissue samples have been acquired upon surgery. The lab scientists have routinely fixed them in formalin and then implanted them in paraffin for long-term storage.
Many research centers have important RNA and tissue archives that allow molecular study and help follow up on neoplasms and the formation of unique tumors. One of the backlogs of the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples for Spin Column Purification is the high instability of the RNA. Making RNA samples from such samples is a challenge.