Purpose Of Life in Islam

What is the purpose of life and existence in this world? This is a question that everyone must have asked themselves at least once in their lives. The things we need to know are why we were made to be the best creatures, what our lives are for, and what we should do to live a good life. Umrah improves the life of person. You can easily monitor the changings in the personality of the Muslim after performing the Umrah. You can perform the Umrah by booking the Ramadan Umrah Packages 2023 From London if you are living in the United Kingdom.


one thought about a lot. Islam is the answer to these questions about why people want to know what life is all about. Life and creation have always been the best ways for men and women to learn about the one who made them and to worship the Almighty.

The Holy Book (Quran) tells us that every person was made to be aware of the one who made them. There are a number of verses in the Holy Quran that help us understand how and why people are born. In the Holy Quran, God SWT said:

“(Remember) when your Lord took the descendants of Adam out of his loins and made them say, “Am I not your Lord?” They said, “Yes, we can back that up.” This was in case you said, “We didn’t know about this,” on the Day of Judgment. Or you could say, “Our ancestors worshipped things other than Allah, and we are just their descendants.” “Will you then get rid of us because of what those cheats did?”

Every person in the world has his or her own way of thinking and living. Religion has a big impact on how people live their lives. Each religion looks at what life is all about in a different way. Islam makes it clear that the only reason for living is to serve the one who made us. In Christianity, believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ is at the heart of what life is all about. But the idea has some problems that make it hard to accept.

First of all, if believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way to have eternal life, why didn’t the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Almighty teach this to all the nations of the world? Second, if God had become a person close to the time of Adam, everyone would have had the same chance of living forever. But people who lived before the time of Jesus Christ were alive for a different reason. Third, those who have never heard of Jesus or don’t know about him have fulfilled the Christian goal of creation. Obviously, a goal and explanation like this are too vague and go against divine justice.

The Prophet SAWW tells us that Allah SWT made this part of human nature from the beginning, even before Adam was made. When Adam was made, the most powerful God made a promise to him. After creating Adam, the first person, Allah took a promise from all of Adam’s future children, generation after generation. The Lord spoke directly to the souls of the descendants and made them testify that He is the only one who is their Lord and that everyone born from this time until the Day of Judgment must worship Him. As God had already gotten a promise from Adam and his descendants that they would believe in His power and greatness, this promise is written on the soul before it enters the foetus. This means that a child is born with a natural belief in the oneness of Allah SWT. In Arabic, this strong belief that there is only one God is called fitra.

As the Prophet Muhammad SAW put it:

Every child is born in a state called “Israel,” but his parents decide whether he will be Jewish or Christian. It’s like how an animal gives birth to a healthy baby. “Have you seen any babies born with defects before you fixed them?”
Based on this hadith, it is clear that a child’s soul submits to the fact that Allah Almighty is his Lord and the only one who made him, even if his heart is clean and only filled with fitra. But the child can’t go against the religion his parents and ancestors followed. The religion the child follows at this age is based on customs and upbringing, so the Lord doesn’t hold it accountable for it. But when a child reaches adulthood, he or she should follow the one religion that seeks true knowledge and is based on reason.
Prophet SAWW and the other 1,239,000 prophets sent by Allah came with the same message over and over again:

“In fact, We sent a messenger to every nation with the message, “Worship God and stay away from false gods.”

Surely, the point of life is to worship God, but what does that mean? In Islam, worship means “submitting obediently to God’s will,” which means to do what you are allowed to do and to stop doing what you are not allowed to do. So, obeying the laws of God is an essential part of worship. In the holy book Quran, Allah SWT says:

“His is the kingdom of heaven and earth, and all things obey His will.”

People can only live in peace and harmony when they worship their Lord and follow His religious laws. It gives a person not only peace but also the hope that if he follows Allah’s laws, he will go to heaven and get the reward that his Lord promised. It also gives a person the hope that if someone wrongs him, that person will have to answer to the Supreme Authority. Hope is a tool we can use to protect ourselves in both peace and war. When someone gives up on the hope of going to heaven, he or she gives up on the ultimate goal and purpose of life. If a person has no hope, it doesn’t matter if he lives as a sinner or a worshipper.