Protein Design and Engineering Market, 2021–2035

In addition to being a time and cost intensive process, protein engineering is fraught with several challenges; considering the expertise available with protein design and engineering service providers to design novel molecules, drug developers are actively outsourcing their requirements



Roots Analysis is pleased to announce the publication of its recent study, titled, “Protein Design and Engineering Market, 2021–2035.”


The study features an in-depth analysis, highlighting the capabilities of protein design and engineering technology and service providers. Amongst other elements, the report features:

  • A detailed assessment of the current market landscape of companies offering protein design and engineering services.
  • A competitiveness analysis of various service providers segregated into three peer groups based on their employee count, into three categories, namely small (<50 employees), mid-sized (51-500 employees) and large (>500 employees).
  • Elaborate profiles of prominent players (shortlisted based on a proprietary criterion) that offer various protein design and engineering services, across North America, Europe and Asia Pacific.
  • A detailed assessment of the current market landscape of protein design and engineering technology providers
  • An insightful 2×2 matrix representation of the competitiveness analysis of various protein design and engineering technologies segregated into two peer groups based on the company size of their respective technology provider, namely small (1-50 employees) and mid-sized companies (51-500 employees).
  • Elaborate profiles of key players (shortlisted based on a proprietary criterion) that are engaged in offering technologies for protein design and engineering.
  • An analysis of the partnerships that have been inked by stakeholders engaged in this domain, during the period 2017-2021 (till September).
  • A detailed analysis of over 130 protein / peptide based therapy developers that are likely to partner with protein design and engineering services and technology providers.
  • An in-depth analysis of the various patents that have been filed / granted related to protein design and engineering, during the period 2019 to 2021 (till September)
  • An in-depth analysis of completed, ongoing and planned clinical studies of various protein / peptide based therapies during the period 2016-2021 (till September).
  • A case study presenting the key characteristics of novel peptide therapeutics, along with information on their applications and advantages, as well as key challenges associated with their development process.
  • A detailed market forecast, featuring analysis of the current and projected future opportunity across key market segments (listed below):
  • Type of Protein Engineering Approach Used
  • Rational Designing
  • Directed Evolution
  • Semi – Rational Designing


  • Type of Protein
  • Antibodies
  • Peptides
  • Enzymes
  • Vaccines
  • Others


  • Type of Application
  • Therapeutics
  • Diagnostics


  • Types of End User
  • Pharma / Biotech Firms
  • CROs
  • Research / Academic Institutes


  • Key Geographical Regions
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Latin America
  • MENA
  • Rest of the World


  • Transcripts of interviews held with the following senior level representatives of stakeholder companies


Key companies covered in the

  • ATUM
  • Creative BioMart
  • Creative Biostructure
  • Creative Enzymes
  • Absolute Antibody
  • EUCODIS Bioscience
  • Fusion Antibodies
  • Innovagen AB
  • Zymvol Biomodeling
  • Averin Biotech
  • EnzymeWorks
  • GeNext Genomics
  • Quantumzyme
  • Arzeda
  • Cyrus Biotechnology
  • Enzymaster
  • Innovative Targeting Solutions
  • Proteus by Seqens


For more information, please click on the following link:


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Roots Analysis is one of the fastest growing market research companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in the bio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights are driven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years of significant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growing business needs, get in touch at


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Ben Johnson

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