Preventing violence in schools by training school personnel

Today we hear so many cases of school children who take the law into their hands and are very violent, violent enough to seriously harm someone or even kill another student. Teenagers can become aggressive if there is an underlying psychological problem somewhere that has not been detected or treated. The aggression that builds up within these children tends to manifest itself in the form of violent fights or other instances of extreme measures. It’s not uncommon to hear of “a teenage boy who brought his father’s gun to school and shot another boy he didn’t like.” Each school should ensure a school violence training program for staff members, as this will be good for the school in the long run.


Violent incidents in schools can be prevented if teachers and other staff members are sufficiently trained to handle the violent or disruptive child. There are training courses for school staff found on the internet and if all schools made the effort to ensure that their staff are well trained to handle any emergency or violent incident then the damage and pain caused could be prevented. Teachers can also take these courses online, and once certified, their training will go a long way in helping them prevent adverse incidents on the school campus.

Sometimes there are outside sources of violence that make at the school campuses very unsafe. These could be older college students trying to form a gang, a drug dealer, an arson dealer, or someone seeking personal revenge. Schools and students in school must also be protected from such external sources of harm. Online courses for school violence prevention training include courses on crime prevention, arson awareness, school trespassers, visual weapons training and more. When staff members are well trained in school violence prevention, they can spot troublemakers or violent situations that are about to occur and take steps to ensure such situations are prevented. Committed staff members make a school second home.