Time Swappers- As a Blockchain based Freelancing platform

Now Anyone can Freelance with Time Swappers P2P Marketplace

Time Swappers is a unique social marketplace that enables buyers and sellers to exchange services in truly peer to peer manner. Both sellers and buyers can directly interact with others and exchange services without the involvement of multiple intermediaries.

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Unlike a traditional freelance marketplace where users pay a high platform fee of around 10 to 40% for transaction processing, the Time Swappers marketplace will allow buyers and sellers to connect and exchange services transparently by charging a minimal platform fuel fee of 1% per transaction.

All the transactions between the service buyers and service seekers will be carried out using Era Swap Token (ES). The use of ES utility token will make it easier to verify and keep a record of all the transactions and resolve any disputes arising between service seekers and service providers related to transactions in future.

Time Traders, Curators, and Day Swappers are three crucial players in the Time Swappers marketplace who are involved in the exchange of services, dispute settlement & growth of the platform respectively, for which they also get rewarded in form of ES through automated smart contract.

Why Join Time Swappers Marketplace for Freelancing?

P2P Service Exchange

As discussed, Time Swappers is a transparent P2P marketplace for anyone looking to avoid high intermediary charges of up to 40% imposed by traditional freelance/service exchange platforms for the exchange of services.

Leveraging the blockchain technology, Time Swappers eliminate the problems of the traditional freelance marketplace and allow buyers & sellers to search, communicate, and exchange services in a true peer to peer manner.

Exchange Services Easily

By joining the Time Swappers marketplace, a particular individual can exchange services easily for extending his services to others in the form of tokenized time (ES/hour). Let’s understand this through an example:

Suppose if you join a traditional freelance platform that charges 20% platform fee from you for completing a task worth $1000 and 100 hours effort. In this case, your hourly income would be $10/hour, but due to high platform charge (20%) it would be reduced to $8/hour, and the final monetary value received would be just $800.

On the other side, for the same task, joining Time Swappers incur a minimal 1% platform fuel fee to you, which will leave you (service provider) with $990 worth of ES.

Earn High Rewards

Time Swappers also has a meticulously designed reward system in the form of TimeAlly that rewards all the three crucial players, i.e., Time Traders, Curators and Day Swappers of this peer to peer marketplace for their trade activity and contribution towards the growth of the platform.

By exchanging or availing services on Time Swappers, users can generate a maximum of 5% of ES from the newly release token (NRT) pool. Also, joining and referring users the Day Swappers affiliate program of Time Swappers allows users to generate a maximum of 12.5% ES from the NRT pool. Also, curators can receive up-to 2.5% ES from the NRT pool for dispute settlement as rewards.


Transparent and Secure

Exchanging services in the form of tokenized time on Time Swappers provides complete transparency to users.

As it is a marketplace, all the user transactions are completely transparent.


So, What are you waiting for?

Join Time Swappers today and start freelancing on this amazing P2P social marketplace to receive multiple rewards, boost your freelancing career, and receive the best value for your work.

Visit the link now: https://timeswappers.com/

Also, to watch more detailed and informative videos about Time Swappers and other utility platforms delivered by Era Swap Ecosystem to the community, Visit and subscribe to the official YouTube Channel of Era Swap.

Subscribe Now: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGCP4f5DF1W6sbCjS6y3T1g