Clinical research studies require a lot of retrospective data to study the cause and the start of a disease condition. We have the most ideal organized files with structured data to study and compare a particular element in a group of study subjects.
For example, for a cancer research study needs records a few years before the onset of the condition. The purpose being to study the lifestyle and habits, family history, et al, in order to compare between different age groups to study the susceptibility to cancer. The diagnosis of cancer needs to be established by various methods using multiple tumor markers, CT scans, MRI scans, biopsies, histopathology reports, genomic studies, and the list goes on. Every study bases its conclusion around a few specific requirements and they need those particular reports.
One is unable to actually recall when what happened so all records from birth or a specific age are requested. The reviewers are landed with thousands of pages of medical records for hundreds of study subjects. The task of organizing and reviewing these records without jumbling up between patients is a tough task. Telegenisys not only prepares the summaries for each individual in a word document, but also gives you the ability to also analyze and compare the occurrences of milestones of the condition of multiple study subjects in a single spreadsheet. The reviewers can request graphs, pie charts, sunburst charts, pivot tables, whatever suits their comfort level and working habits.
In our organized file we give you the option to add the terms you need to study as custom reference terms. A bone cancer research unit may request bone density, MRI, CT scans, among other reports. A lung cancer research unit may need lung x-ray, CT scan, MRI, lung biopsy, tumor markers. We provide a list of bookmarks for all of the terms you need to search for all in a chronological order. The reviewer needs to click through each entry to review essential data. Every summary is hyperlinked to enable the reviewer to verify details from the original document and don’t take our word for it.
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