Naplan Tutoring – Tips for Supporting Your Child

The National Assessment Plan – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) takes place each year in May for Year 3, Year 5, Year 7, and Year 9 students. NAPLAN assesses four key areas: writing, reading, language meetings and numeracy. The evaluation evaluates children on a national level and also assesses children’s personal improvement between assessments. NAPLAN Tutoring is one part of each school’s assessment process and does not replace the general, ongoing assessments made by teachers. At our tuition centre, we consider teachers should recognize their student’s strengths and ‘learning style’ and know that appraisals are often an incorrect amount of children’s learning. At our tutoring centre, our private tutors can see both the gains and drawbacks of NAPLAN assessments.

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The importance of NAPLAN

Much of the discussion around NAPLAN disguises its primary purpose. The National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests the core abilities every student needs in order to develop all through school. It also improves education groups and creates standards for learning.

Statewide evaluations are popular around the globe, for instance, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) PISA test is created to identify, assess, and evaluate education systems.

There is clear importance in governments and education systems instituting opportunities around age-appropriate educational standards and having teachers, schools, and governments liable.

Benefits of NAPLAN:

  • Can differentiate strengths and difficulties that need interest.
  • Allows states to compare associate results and to also find areas that need enhancing within the system.
  • NAPLAN testing allows their responsibility to the Government, Education system, education staff and core curriculum boards to ensure that all Australian students are obtaining a valuable education that guarantees valuable outcomes for them.

In our tutoring centre, our tutors appreciate that NAPLAN can be a hectic time for you and your child, especially if they are getting the assessments for the first time. Here are a few valuable tips from our tutoring centre, that can be applied both in and outside the classroom, to help prepare your child and relieve their fear:

  • Understand the evaluations and what your child is being tested on. Visit for preparation papers.
  • Ask your child’s tutor how they will be preparing for NAPLAN at school.
  • Prompt your child of the significance of reading out. Reading is crucial to insight and understanding exam style difficulties. Our tutoring centre cannot worry about the significance of reading sufficient!
  • Talk to your child just about time managing.
  • Tell your child that NAPLAN is a test of how well the school is educating them and that their incorrect answers are as vital as their right ones – and most crucially, that you love them no matter what.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our NAPLAN tutors if you have any queries regarding the upcoming assessments, we are more than happy to help!