Moving your Furniture: 5 Tips that No One Tells You

Need to move to a new city? What about the showcases that you have bought with so much love and passion? What about the matching sofa set and side tables? You need to move them safely to your new place. Here comes the inevitable combination of stress and dilemma. Whom to ask for help? What to do? And multiple other tensions come across!


However, your stress goes away once you hire the best moving company Golden CO for the job. Find a reliable moving and storage service that offers professional services. But, calling an expert won’t be enough until you have the basic knowledge.

Among all of the hassles of commercial moving service Golden CO, shifting the furniture is the biggest one. Here to ease your tasks, we will tell you the 5 best tips. Let’s follow them to move your furniture safely.

Disassemble the parts:

As any moving service Littleton CO expert suggests, you must dissimilate the parts of the big furniture, if possible. Whether it is the sofa or the large dining table, disassembling them makes them easy and light to move.

Drag instead of carrying:

Many a time, we tend to carry the furniture from home to the moving cart. But, movers do not approve of it. You should drag the furniture more than carry it. It keeps the furniture safe and you relaxed. You can plan to buy or create a ramp to move the furniture easily.

Use furniture straps:

An excellent idea to move the large furniture pieces is to add straps. Different types of straps are available. Once you put on the straps and attach them to the furniture, it will impact your muscle parts leaving your hands free. Thus, the overall weight of the furniture is distributed well on your body.

Wrap the furniture:

Do not forget to wrap the furniture with layers of blanket and plastic. It will keep your furniture safe from dust, scratch, and possible damage while moving. Also, packing them into multi-layered cloth, blanket, or plastic keeps your floor safe from scratches.

Take professional help:

Well, as we know moving is a tiresome task. It is nearly impossible to manage all of the tasks singlehandedly. It is always best to hire an expert for it. Get in touch with the best moving company today.