money plant ivy

Money Plant Ivy: Tips on How to Grow and Care for a Money Plant

The money plant (Epipremnum aureum) is an ideal indoor plant for those who love adding green to their space. Thanks to its appealing and unique appearance, this lush indoor plant is also known as the golden vine, money tree or pandanus plant.


It’s one of the best houseplants for beginners because it has simple light, water and soil needs. Whether you call it a money plant or a pandanus plant, caring for one of these easy-to-grow indoor plants can bring good fortune your way. Read on to learn more about the money plant ivy and how to grow and care for your own money plants at home.

What is a Money Plant?

The money plant is a strong, versatile houseplant that is suitable for just about any indoor growing environment. It’s also an easy plant to care for and propagate, making it a great option for beginners. This unusual houseplant is easy to recognize thanks to its large, pointed leaves that are either green or variegated with green and white. The leaves grow on vines that can get quite long, so money plants are generally grown in pots.

If you’re lucky enough to have a large enough space, you can also grow them in the ground. The money plant is also commonly known as the money tree or the pandanus plant. The plant can be grown indoors in pots or directly in the soil. It’s an easy-to-grow tropical plant that’s native to Southeast Asia and can thrive in many different indoor environments. It also grows well outdoors in tropical or subtropical regions.

How to Grow a Money Plant?

When it comes to growing a money plant, the best way to achieve success is by providing it with all the right conditions. This includes adequate light, humidity, watering and soil. Light: A money plant needs bright, indirect light. If it does not receive enough light, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off. The best light source for growing a money plant is a mixture of natural and artificial light. You can also grow the plant outdoors in the summer.

Humidity: The moisture-loving money plant thrives in humid conditions. Make sure to place the plant on a humidity tray or use a humidifier to raise the level of humidity in the air. If you don’t keep the humidity high enough, you’ll notice the leaves start to shrivel. Watering: The money plant likes to stay moist but not soggy. Check the soil every few days to see if it needs watering. If it feels dry on the top inch, it is time to give it more water. Soil: Like most other indoor plants, the money plant does best in soil with a warm, neutral pH. If you are growing it in a pot, you can use a soil-based mix. If you are growing it in the ground, use a soil/peat moss mixture.

Care for Money Plants

– Light: The money plant thrives in bright, indirect light. You can also grow it outside during the summer months. – Humidity: The money plant needs lots of humidity. Make sure to keep the plant on a humidity tray or use a humidifier to keep the air moist around it. You can also mist the leaves with water. – Watering: Water the money plant when the top inch of soil feels dry. Don’t let the soil get soggy or waterlogged. – Soil: The money plant likes soil with a warm, neutral pH.

If you are growing the plant in a pot, you can use a soil-based mix. If you are growing it in the ground, use a soil/peat moss mixture. – Fertilizer: Use an indoor plant fertilizer that contains both nitrogen and phosphorus every two weeks during the growing season (spring through fall). – Pests: Mealybugs and spider mites are the most common pests that attack money plants. It is easy to spot these pests on your plant, as they tend to show up as white or black dots on the leaves. You can squash these bugs or use a natural insecticide to kill them. – Diseases: The money plant is prone to a few common houseplant diseases, including anthracnose, botrytis and rhizoctonia. Anthracnose and botrytis look like dark spots on the leaves. Rhizoctonia is characterized by water-soaked spots that appear on the soil and leaves. To prevent these diseases, make sure to water the plant in soil and wipe the leaves clean.

The Benefits of Owning a Money Plant

The money plant is an attractive indoor plant that is easy to grow. It thrives in conditions that are challenging for many other houseplants, making it a great option for beginner gardeners. Not only does the money plant add color and texture to your space, but it also brings good fortune thanks to its symbolic meaning. The money plant is believed to attract prosperity and good luck, making it a great plant for home and office spaces. If you want to bring a money plant indoors, there are many varieties to choose from. There are plants with variegated leaves, plants with green leaves, and ones with purple or pink leaves.

Tips for Successful Growing

– Give it a sunny spot: The money plant does best in bright, indirect light. – Give it water with fertilizer: Use a water with fertilizer every other watering cycle to keep the plant growing strong. – Repotting: Repot the money plant every two years in a new pot at the start of the growing season. – Keep it clean and bug-free: Clean the leaves regularly to keep the plant healthy. – Consider its size: The money plant can grow quite large, so make sure you have enough space to accommodate it. – Give it a rest: Stop fertilizing the plant and water it less during the winter months to help it rest. – Go outside: You can move the plant outdoors to a sunny location in the summer months.


The money plant is a strong, versatile houseplant that is suitable for just about any indoor growing environment. It’s also an easy plant to care for and propagate, making it a great option for beginners. This unusual houseplant is easy to recognize thanks to its large, pointed leaves that are either green or variegated with green and white.

If you want to bring a money plant indoors, there are many varieties to choose from. The money plant is an attractive indoor plant that is easy to grow. It thrives in conditions that are challenging for many other houseplants, making it a great option for beginner gardeners.


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