Mistakes People Do While Storing Classic Cars

For more car owners, taking care of their vintage cars is very overwhelming as they need special treatment to preserve them for a long. If you are one of them, you need to understand what the ways to keep it safe are. Few of your worries can be resolved if you choose self-storage services in India to store your beloved car for an extended time. No matter what is the reason to store your classic car in the storage but keeping it correctly in the storage is important.


Those who are unaware of how important it is to maintain them for the long term can commit some mistakes that could damage their precious classic car. Therefore, if you need your car safe and protected, you need to put some more effort while storing it in the storage unit so that you can receive it back in working condition. To make this happen, you need to go through these mistakes and try to avoid them while storing your vintage car in the storage unit.

• Not washing your car properly: Not washing your classic car internally and externally before storing it in the storage facility is one of the major mistake people do. Make sure to not do the same while storing your car. Storing dirty and soot covered on rims can damage your car in the long run. It attracts pests, mold, mildew, and other insects to your car that damage it. Start cleaning from the inside by removing anything like food crumbs, garbage, or any other personal thing that should not be in the car. You can use vacuum cleaning to remove stacks of dust and other debris. Then, wash it from the outside by cleaning mirrors and the entire outer body. It will help you to safe-keep your valuable car for a long time.

• Not filling the oil tank to the top: Another major mistake that people commit is not filling the oil tank properly. This is the main reason for getting a rusted tank that can damage the entire car. While storing your car in the storage unit, especially when you want to store it for a long time, make sure to fill the oil tank fully. If you keep the tank empty, it can fill up with air and moisture that could produce corrosion and rust. So, make sure to keep it full so that you can drive a working car when you take it back from storage.

• Not changing oil: Oil is one of the crucial parts of a car that keeps its engine moving and changing it from time to time is very essential. But, many people ignore this crucial factor even when they are going to store their classic car for a long time in the storage unit. You need to make sure to change the oil before storing your car. The old oil contains high combustion residues that can damage the tank and affect the functionality of your car. So, remember to change the oil and fill the tank properly so that no moisture or air can enter.

• Not disconnecting the car batteries: The major reason why many cars’ functionality affects after taking out from the storage unit is its connected car batteries. Make sure to disconnect your car batteries before putting them into storage. If it remained the car, it can get drained and you will face difficulty when you take your car back. The battery can completely discharge and damage the car after some time.

• Not checking car tiers: As you are planning to store a classic car, not checking the tires’ condition properly is a severe mistake that many people commit. You need to make sure about this and not commit the same mistake. Before storing your car, make sure to check if all car tires are in good condition. Avoiding this crucial fact, your car tires can face flat spotting after some time. The tires used in your vintage car can be difficult to get again. So, make sure to check their working status and safeguard your beloved car.

• Not using a car cover: Another biggest mistake people make is to not using a car cover while storing it in the storage unit. Keeping it without a car cover can make a coat of dust and dirt that can damage the appearance of your beloved classic car. Make sure to use a good quality car cover that can protect your car from external damage. Also, make sure to use a breathable car cover so that no moisture can trap inside that could damage the car’s color.


Keeping all these points in your mind will help you to keep your classic car in working condition even in the long run. For more information, you can consider opting for self-storage services in India that can protect your car from theft, pests, unforeseen situations, natural disasters, and other damages. They are well equipped with many features such as a firefighting system, pest control facility, vacuum cleaning service, 24/7 video surveillance, and many more.

I hope you will find this blog useful for your classic car storage.