Meet The Enemies Of Down And Feather Pillows At Your Home

There are several known and unknown enemies of feather and down pillows and down pillows. When you have brought luxury feather pillows to your home you will have to take special care to preserve them in a good condition. Down, European white goose down pillow are made differently but their enemies are the same. If you think that putting a pillow protector is enough to preserve the quality of goose feather throw pillows or down pillows, then that is not true. Before you know the ways to care for feather and down pillows, it is essential to know the different enemies affecting them.


Top Three Enemies Of Down And Feather Pillows At Your Home

Excessive Pressure Or Compressions

Be it goose-down pillows or goose feather pillows, they are for comfort and relaxation. When you use them for a pillow fight, it leads to excessive compression and pressure on its fibers. It will cause the fibers to come out and even reduce the fluffiness of the pillows. So, if you have good quality pillows at home, then do not let kids ever fight with them.

Presence Of Moisture In Pillow Fibers And Stuffing

Goose feather throw pillows are more prone to moisture damage as compared to down pillows. It is because it takes a lot of time to clean and dry the feather pillows. You might need a dry cleaner to remove all the moisture because if it stays then there are even chances of fungus showing up. Even in the case of down pillows you need to be cautious about moisture because if not dried it will give rise to a bad odor.

Never Spill Oil On Pillows

Spilling oil on pillows is done accidentally and not on purpose. Apart from that, the oil patches can show up on pillows even due to oil in the hair and face. To avoid this problem, make sure your hair and skin are free from excessive oil before you sleep on pillows. Such preventive measures are necessary if you want to maintain the quality of your pillows.

The above mentioned are some of the reasons for damages in pillows be it goose down pillows or feather pillows. You need to take extra care of these softies if you want to have the fluffiest pillows always. Now you know why after a while pillows start losing their quality so keep it away from these enemies.