Major Characteristics of Call Center Software

Picking a call center solution, even if, can be a thought-provoking process. Prime, you require choosing what kind of software most suitably meets your particular company model. Choosing a call center solution is regarding determining the features required by your agents to deliver possibly the greatest customer experience and support.


This article will present every required information you necessitate to select the best call center solution for your organization. In this article, you will learn about the major characteristics of call center solutions. This helps in improving performance.

Major Characteristics of Call Center Software:

Customers now demand much better support than they used to expect before ten years. They require their calls are attended within five minutes or less. Moreover, they demand self-service alternatives, and they require agents to cooperate on their side.

Call center software can support your agents to satisfy these customer demands with the least efforts. The passkey is learning the features and advantages that call center solution can provide and then determining which software can meet your needs.

  1. Enhance Team Performance with Insights

Managers can use call center software to capture real-time statistics related to the agents’ performance. Whisper, for instance, is a feature accessible to managers and available in each call center solution. It lets managers listen to ongoing calls of agents in real-time without acknowledgment of agent or customer.

One more feature known as call barge-in is amazingly advantageous for training objectives. Inexperienced agents can watch more experienced agents by examining how frequent queries are solved. Managers can additionally utilize the analysis feature to recognize training requirements and chances.

Besides call monitoring, various other features further present performance data via automated reporting, depending on live and historical data. This data can aid you to recognize weaknesses in your call center processes and brainstorm possible developments.

  1. Call Center CRM Integration for Faster Resolution

Call center software can be integrated straight with a CRM solution with computer telephony integration (CTI). This process of integration is called call center CRM integration. When a call comes from a current customer or registered lead, CTI technology will identify information of that person and autonomously fetch their profile for the agent within the call center software. Agents can quickly resolve the concern as they know the leads.

  1. Automation of Call Handling

Call center solutions with advanced features automate the stream of inbound and outbound calls. Interactive voice response (IVR) systems — a standard feature available in all call center solutions — are applied to produce a predefined welcome message, menu alternatives, and respond to commonly asked issues.

With an IVR feature, callers who call assistance can also get connected to the precise agent in a specific department simply on the fingertips. They can further obtain straightforward answers like the latest offers or working hours of the company, except connecting to an agent. This relieves agents to manage more complicated support requests and decreases wait times for clients. It also reduces call queues, so customers can whether get an answer before connecting to an agent or get connected with the right agent and receive the required resolution.