Lookbook Extension For Magento 2 Platform

Magento 2 Lookbook extension allows you to create a group of complementary products and present them as one product. Instead of displaying each image for each item separately, you can create a lookbook and specify multiple markers for the products in the image. The extension allows you to offer a fixed or percentage discount.

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Magento 2 Shop By Look give your customers a clear idea of how the products will look together. For example, if you are a fashion brand, you can display a model wearing a T-shirt, jeans, watch, shoes, and glasses and allow customers to buy all the products at once. This improves the customer’s shopping experience and increases your average order value because customers are likely to purchase additional items if they like the look.


Key Features

  • Create as many lookbooks as you want
  • Add markers to indicate each product
  • Offer a fixed or percentage discount on lookbook
  • Customize the discount text
  • Design the discount label
  • Limit discount to specific customer groups
  • Add all products to the cart in a single click
  • Set lookbooks to display order
  • Display lookbooks in standard or slider format
  • Add a lookbook widget on any CMS page


Create As Many Lookbooks As You Want

You may want to compile several looks showcasing different products—For example, party wear lookbook, winter lookbook, summer lookbook, office lookbook, etc. There is no limit to the number of shoppable looks you can create with this extension.


Add Markers To Indicate Each Item

Promote each individual product by inserting their link and indicating them with a marker pen in the lookbook image. When customers hover over the marker, the image enlarges with the product name, and they can click on it to go to the product page. You can also change the marker pin color.


Offer A Fixed Or Percentage Discount

To entice customers to buy a lookbook, you can offer an attractive discount in a fixed or percentage amount.

  • Fixed amount: A $10 fixed discount amount means $10 will be deducted from the total lookbook value, no matter the value.
  • Percent amount: A 10% discount means customers will get 10% off on the total lookbook amount, i.e., $20 on a $200 lookbook.


Customize The Discount Text

Display a custom discount message. For example, Buy this lookbook and get 10% OFF.


Design The Discount Label

Not only the title, but you can also change the background and text colors of the discount label to make it look good.


Limit Discount To Specific Customer Groups

Grant the discount to specific customer groups only while denying it to others. For example, you may want only wholesalers to take advantage of the discount and not other customer groups. You can do it by just selecting Wholesale and leave the remaining unselected.


Add All Products To Cart In A Single Click

The customizable add to cart button allows customers to add the lookbook with all the associated products to the cart in one click. Customers can remove the items they don’t want from inside the shopping cart. You can customize the text for the add to cart button. Customers can also buy a single item from the lookbook just by clicking the product link that appears in a popup once the customer hovers the marker pin.


Set Lookbooks Display Order

If you have multiple lookbooks, you can set their display order. Just enter the number and the lookbook will be displayed in that order.


Display Lookbooks In Standard Or Slider Format

You have the option to display lookbooks in a standard or slider format. If opted for a slider, you can configure all the slider options. For example, choose to auto play, pause auto play on mouse hover, display arrows and dots, specify auto play and navigation speed, etc. You can also specify the image width and the number of items/rows to display.


Add Lookbook Widget On Any CMS Page

Magento 2 Lookbook extension enables you to display lookbooks as a widget on any CMS page like homepage, about us, etc.