Legal Environment in China Foreign Business

The legal environment in China offers a strict yet advantageous platform to many international companies. Despite so many restrictions, stringent rules & regulations, China has always lured international companies to invest in various projects. This has continuously given a head start to China’s economy and its stability in the international market.


China has never failed to appear in the news when it comes to Foreign Direct Investment. It becomes important for us to understand why despite all these restrictions, companies are still interested to invest in China instead of heading for other business-friendly industries. For instance, every international must transfer its intellectual rights with China and set up a joint venture with a local firm.

China became a member of the World Trade Organization in 2001 and since then it has promised to open up its telecommunication and banking sectors for the rest of the countries. However, companies like Facebook and Google are still banned in China’s market. Now let’s understand what does China holds for its investors.

China’s Economic Status

When it comes to ranking, China stands at 80th rank out of 190 countries in terms of creditworthiness and 31st out of 190 countries in terms of rules and regulations related to do business in China’s market. It is a known fact that dealing terms with the communist government might become difficult.

However, despite these factors, China’s GDP is way beyond other countries. The Chinese Business sector has successfully captured a major portion of the world’s economy by selling out cheap products and of similar quality. All these things have always lured investors to contribute their share in the form of FDI and FPI.

The Joys of Economy of Scale

The scale of business and its growth depends mostly on the area of the consumer market it has captured. As of 2019, China’s population was about $1.4 billion. Its dense population is one of the major reasons why its GDP is the second largest in the world. Businesses prosper in China because of its huge consumer market.

‘Economies of Scale’ is a term used when large quantities of products are sold at reasonable rates. The sheer number of consumers in China attracts many international companies to set up their businesses here. A company measures its growth on the number of sales and revenue. With such a huge population, the scope of doing business in China overshadows the scope of doing business in much more business-friendly countries.


The scope of doing business in China is huge. If you wish to set your business in China, you must comply with all the rules and regulations as defined by the regulating authorities. Ipopang is the firm you must consult if you want to enjoy the consumer market of China. This firm has years of experience in helping companies to set up their business in China.