Creating dashboards and reports in Power Bi is different but knowing how to collaborate with coworkers and share those reports with them on Microsoft Power Bi is an altogether different story. As somebody who actively avails Microsoft Power Bi Services, that might be on your agenda as well. For all those who use Microsoft Power Bi in Australia, given below are a few ways to collaborate with colleagues and shape reports with them through Microsoft Power Bi.
- Collaborating in Workspaces: Teams working together access common documents for better collaboration during projects. Power BI workspaces let teams share ownership and management of their dashboards, reports, workbooks and datasets. Users of Power BI can also organize their workspaces to suit specific projects and at times based on their organizational structures for better workflows. These workspaces offer roles to end users to help them determine those permissions their coworkers have. Such roles must be used by end users to manage workspaces, edit and distribute content and to simply view it. Teams not only get to make updates but also give others access.
- Collaborating in Microsoft Teams: Power BI reports and Power BI paginated reports can both be embedded into Microsoft Teams to increase data-driven collaboration. Microsoft Power Bi Services have a Chat in Teams button for reports that helps add separate Power Bi tabs for each individual report and gives each tab the name of the report or any other name as such. When a Power Bi report tab is added to MS Teams, the chat application automatically creates a tab conversation for the report. All parties part of that conversation are able to see and discuss the report.
- Sharing dashboards and reports: End users interested in sharing their content with others on their Power Bi Desktop need a Power BI Pro License to do so. The license is also required by those people with whom the data is shared, else the content must be in a workspace in a Premium Capacity to be deemed sharable. Each time you share a report or a dashboard with someone, the recipient can both view it as well as interact with it. If the recipient has the necessary permission, he can also edit the dashboard or report besides making a copy of it as well.
- Embedding reports in secure portals or public web sites: Users of Microsoft Power Bi in Australia can embed Power Bi reports in portals or web sites where users wish to see them. They have two options. Either they embed in SharePoint Online that provides a single sign-on experience with control over the way how the report is embed or they embed works with any website or portal supporting embedding content using a URL or an iFrame. Whichever the option be, Power BI enforces all permissions and data security before end users get to see the content.
Summary: These are a few ways to collaborate and share in Microsoft Power Bi, regarding which the local Microsoft Partner can be contacted for further details.