IVD Approved RT-PCR Kit

Learn a few ins and outs about RT-PCR testing

COVID has perhaps gone, but the effect of it will still be instilled within humans for a lot of spans. There are also a few good habits the pandemic has taught us: basic hygiene. There are also a few terminologies like quarantine, pulse oximeter, and RTPC. Well, what is RT-PCR? This read will help you discover the ins and outs of RTPR and how it is revolutionizing the field of medical sciences.

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A brief keynote on RTPCR testing

In this fast-paced world, an accurate and rapid testing solution must be needed. More than that, treating millions and detecting diseases during the pandemic becomes essential. That is where Rapid Point of Care RT-PCR Testing Solution becomes one of the most critical aspects. Genes2Me offers a comprehensive range of Rapid Point-of-Care (POC) RT-PCR Testing Systems and Kits that address the challenges associated with diagnostics. You need to know that the combination of sheer accuracy, speed, and portability in your POC solutions can revolutionize diagnostics.

The ability to quickly and accurately detect infectious diseases such as HPV, TB, dengue, malaria, and COVID-19 is crucial for effective management and control. Rapid and reliable results provided by your systems and kits can significantly impact healthcare professionals’ ability to identify infected individuals promptly. This, in turn, allows for initiating appropriate treatment and implementing necessary infection control measures.

Point of Care Testing Device leverages POC solutions; healthcare professionals can expedite the diagnosis process, enabling timely intervention and containment of infectious diseases. The portability of these systems and kits may be particularly valuable in resource-limited settings or remote areas where access to traditional laboratory infrastructure may be limited.

A few benefits

There are a few tests to decide whether you have Coronavirus. At least, it was the scenario about two years back. These tests distinguish SARS-CoV-2, the infection that causes Coronavirus in various ways. Antigen tests determine particles present on the external surface of the disease. RT-PCR searches for the presence of the infection’s hereditary material. Neutralizer tests check whether the safe framework is delivering antibodies against the infection. We’ll review how each test manages the advantages and disadvantages of the various tests. This instructive substance will assist you with understanding which test may be the right one for you. This gives you enough room to discover a few more facts about the RT PCR test and the benefits of it.

The real-time RT-PCR technique has several advantages over other virus isolation methods. One key advantage is its speed. As you mentioned, it can provide a reliable diagnosis in as little as three hours, although laboratories typically take six to eight hours to complete the process. This quick turnaround time is crucial for timely identification and management of infected individuals.

Moreover, real-time RT-PCR offers a lower potential for contamination or errors than traditional viral isolation methods. The entire process, from sample preparation to amplification and detection, can be carried out within a closed tube, minimizing the risk of cross-contamination and ensuring the accuracy of the results.

There is something you need to know that RT-PCR can never be used to detect infections of the past. This history is essential to understanding the case and delivering the proper treatment.