Andrew Garbett

Lambski’s “Consumerism for the Oppressed” is on its Way to Be the Bestseller Poem Books

Reflecting heartfelt enthusiasm, the poems in “Consumerism for the Oppressed” present the desire for love and freedom through language.


The Regency Publishers (March 26, 2022) – Lambski’s new book of poems with all of the poems in it, represents a passion of the heart. The book of poems excellently portrays the desire for love and liberty. It is written for the annihilation of the ruler’s lies. The book aims at the investigation of how the harsh reality emancipates through resistance dreams using language.

This collection of poems was written in 2019. The author wrote around 40 poems during the isolation period due to COVID 19. The pandemic crisis proved to be an inspiration for Lambski, and he wrote these poems to help readers recover from the pandemic depression that hit many people in the world.

The book includes poems like Misty Valley, 1 Kings CH18, Agenda of Clarity, Akeldama, Anna Kournikova Dream, Brixton Rains, Burnt The Sky, By Chance, Calm Blue Ocean, Catch a Fire, Children, Consumed to Pyre, Conviction to Decide, Could Not Pray, Covid 19, Crass, Daisy Chains and Blown Out Brains, Destination Zero Love, Divided Street, Donated Blood, Dreams Again, Dreamy Pyres, Earth’s Call, Emptiness to Flood, and so on.

The collection begins with the poem ‘Misty Valley,’ which states the condition of the laborers who live in the misty valley and work for a little sum of money. On the other hand, while desiring love, Lambski writes the poem ‘Anna Kournikova Dream.’ This poem is based on the dream that the poet sees with his dream love and compares her with sunshine and as a blessing. The poet here dreams of the lady as a prize with a heavenly heart and wants to remain immortal through her eyes forever.

The book ends with simple yet elegant poems like Your Salutation and Floyd. While Your Salutation talks about how a virus decides the future of the people, the poem Floyd focuses on the details of the book. It presents how the combination of sunshiny days, weather, and days of isolation adds a new dimension to people’s lives. The last poem, Floyd, ends with two lines- “For George Floyd’s death a riot season. In a world that lost its freedom.” Thus, different poems in the book express different shades of emotions that the author has gone through during isolation due to lockdown and further days.

The author, Lambski belongs to Newport in Gwent, South Wales, UK. In 2019, the poet left his residence in Bournemouth, England, UK. And he went to work and travel in Bretagne in France. His aim was to take inspiration from the French culture. After ten days spent in Rennes, he headed back to England as the government in France issued lockdown due to Covid-19. He wrote around 40 poems during the first few months of isolation. As the book critics say, the poems in this book will definitely show a new ray of love, hope, and divine bliss to the people who have lost their loved ones during the pandemic. Also, Lambski’s other book ‘Regard This as Evidence’ was published in October 2019 and is now widely available on Google.

About the Company
The Regency Publishers is a popular publishing company that recently has published a new book of celebrated author Lambski named Consumerism for the Oppressed. It is a book of poems that includes around 100 poems.

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Media Contact:
Name: Andrew Garbett
Book Title: Consumerism for the Oppressed
Contact Person: Anna Reid
Company: The Regency Publishers
