Konzortia Capital: The Biggest Tech Stocks of 2021 and how to invest in them

The stock market’s quick recovery after a significant fall in March of this year has surprised many. This tendency for growth in the financial system has been largely pushed by the tech industry, as the demand for technology saw a steep increase with the lockdowns that followed the COVID19 pandemic. Among the biggest tech stocks in 2020 are Nvidia Corp (NVDA), Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Qorvo Inc. (QRVO) and Apple Inc. (AAPL). These are, for the most part tech hardware manufacturers that have released some of their most exciting products throughout the current year. The growth and that these big tech stocks have achieved, however, does not compare of that which Konzortia Capital is expected to experience in 2021.

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The biggest stocks in the past year, which do not only include hardware manufacturers, but other tech-based service companies such as Amazon, Netflix and Facebook experienced growth due to a higher demand of technology in general, but also due to other factors that make them somewhat unreliable investments. Most notably, the massive liquidity injections to the NASDAQ tech stocks and some of the biggest stock exchanges. Due to this, it is speculated that the stock markets and the biggest tech stocks in 2020, might be contained in a financial bubble. There are, nevertheless, other tech related assets investments expected to outgrow in 2021 even 2020’s biggest tech stocks, particularly Konzortia Capital’s Kor.

The reason why Kor can be compared with the biggest tech stocks of the current moment is because, despite not being a tech stock in the strict sense of the word, it is an equity asset which will have the same degree of liquidity as a publicly traded stock. Kor is a new asset class that is going to be traded in a secondary market of liquid stock-like digital equities, similar to a stock market but global. This secondary market will be hosted by one of Konzortia Capital’s subsidiary companies, Capitalista, under a new global market index called the New Asset Offering (or NAO, for short). As such, Kor maintains the inherent benefits of a private equity, such as the potential for exponential growth and high dividend yields, while also offering a clear exit strategy for investors.

Unlike the stock markets, which grew largely thanks to liquidity injections, the unprecedented growth experienced by the financial technologies industry was solely based on demand. This is another reason why Kor’s tech stock-like equity could potentially be a more profitable and less risky investment than even the biggest tech stocks of 2020. As this asset holds no correlation to the stock market despite its stock-like liquidity, it’s also a great alternative for those looking to diversify their portfolio in times of high financial uncertainty.

Whereas the biggest tech stocks are all from well-established companies within the industry, and thus can yield a very limited return on investment and no dividends for those who purchase them publicly, Konzortia Capital’s new asset class offers the best of both worlds, high growth potential and stock-like liquidity. For those interested in finding more information about the Kor, and how it might become one of the biggest tech stocks of 2021, you may click here: https://konzortia.capital/the-biggest-tech-stocks-of-2021-and-how-to-invest-in-them/.