Genetic Testing for Fitness

Know Your Future Health Risk through Genetic Test

Genes2Me with present challenges in healthcare industry gave a new approach to overcome the issues through Predictive genetic testing. Through genetic testing we predict or predispose the future risk to individual for number of genetic disorders & diseases. Genes2Me’s objective is to perform such testing is early identification of individuals at risk of particular disorders to reduce morbidity and mortality with targeted screening and prevention methods. With advance molecular genetic testing approach, Genes2Me gradually emerges as a game changer to yield healthier lifestyle & lives for tomorrow.


In personalized genomics, Genes2Me has created standards with its translational approach product i.e.Genes2Fit, Genes2Health and HealthyMe that provides personalized genetic blueprint of an individual.

Genes2Fit under Nutrigenomics segment provides personalized information on important factors of lifestyle traits that includes diet pattern, eating behavior, food reaction, nutrient requirements, metabolic health factors, exercise plans, obesity and weight loss regain. With this once in a lifetime genetic test of Genes2Me, you can take preventive steps to live healthy lifestyle. Genes2Fit is a Tailor-made genetic testingapproach based upon analysis on individual’s DNA to fast track the nutrition, fitness, wellness and strength goals driven by person’s genes. Genes2Fit helps to understand key answers for

  • Why you can’t say “NO” to certain food?
  • What is your nutritional requirement?
  • Why after Gym and exercise, you are still unable to reduce weight?
  • Is genetic factor involved in weight management?

To analyze genetic predisposition for Personalized health profile, Genes2Health is a key product to play a major role in decoding the genetic code to know future health risk. Genes2Health genetic card report” would predict individual’s health history for specific conditions like cardiology, neurology, diabetes, cancer, rheumatology, respiratory disorder, reproductive health and certain drug response. Get personalized information of risk with Genes2Health genetic test for critical conditions like Hypertension, Stroke, Sudden Cardiac arrest, Heart Failure, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Arthritis, Asthma, Ulcerative Colitis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Lung Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, etc. Genes2Health provides once own health status to better monitor and take preventive measures towards certain disease/disorders.

HealthyMe is a comprehensive test package, which is a unique combination of “Routine Biochemical Tests with Genetic Tests” that gives a 360 degree overview of an individual’s health. HealthyMe provides a detailed insight into person’s health by covering 80 routine biochemical parameters along with genetic test “Genes2Fit and Gene2Health”. It explains a complete “Picture of Today and Tomorrow” to better understand about once own Diet pattern, Lifestyle traits, Vitamin requirements, Metabolism, Genetic disease/disorders related to Cardio, Neuro, and dependency to quite a few genetic factors associated with you on a personal note

The personalized genetic test will help a person to decode the genetic code knowing the predisposition factor. Genes2Me is rooted in personalized health care profile to provide best services in DNA genetic testing to diagnose rare genetic disorder. In personalized healthcare we are targeting patients at the individual level to diagnose hereditary diseases and disorders at single platform. Clinical genetic tests are also performed in Genes2Me lab for analysis of DNA to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities to predict the developing disease or disorder. Clients who undergo any type of Genetic Test through Genes2Me are allied with Free Genetic Counseling session with our “Gene Sathi” for better understanding of reports and genetic conditions.

The process of sample collection is easy and seamless. You just need to order a kit and we will be dispatching the kit from our end. Depending upon the test a cheek swab or blood sample will be collected. Once the sample reaches to our lab, it will be processed and analyzed. Once the report is generated your genetic counseling session will be arranged with our genetic counselor and she will give you a walk over of your report.