Key Factors To Consider While Curating Reputation Management Strategies

deciding factor in the growth of a brand or an organisation is the delighted customers. It can be rightfully said that the growth of a brand does not depend solely on the quality of the product or service they offer but also on its reputation. It is impossible to stop a rogue customer from speaking against your company. However, it is possible to control the impact of their feedback through an effective reputation management strategy.


Neglecting your organisation’s reputation can take a toll on your customers, affecting revenue. Many small businesses already face tense competition with giant industries. A blow to their reputation is the last thing they want in their journey. Hence, small businesses must set up their reputation management advisory.

These advisories are set up to help organisations respond to crises efficiently and effectively. Through this, a brand can manage its reputation such that it will have a significant impact on market standing. Before introducing your company’s advisory, identify the strategies aligned with your short-term and long-term goals. Here are some key factors to ponder upon while curating these strategies:

  1. Incorporate your brand story

Having a brand story helps customers get a glimpse of your company and, thus, increases their loyalty. Therefore, incorporating them into reputation management campaigns helps escalate your brand’s credibility. Studies have suggested that customers prefer a brand with a story supporting a cause.

  1. Emphasise online presence

Today, it is essential for a brand to pay special attention to its online presence. A reputation management strategy that does not incorporate measures to tackle negative online feedback or unsatisfied customer reviews is as good as having none. When customers start recognising the company’s brand name through its online presence, it conveys that the brand is trustworthy.

  1. Neutralise negativity, spread positivity

As much as reputation management focuses on neutralising the negative feedback from customers, thereby affecting its search engine appearance, it should also focus on marketing the positive ones so that they do not go unnoticed. The only aspect is that negative feedback affects the positive in such cases.

  1. Customer advocates

Addressing customer grievances turns them into online advocates that help your business secure a solid online reputation with more positive reviews, higher search rankings, and better business results. Here, the importance of the brand story can also be perceived as the customers utilise it while defending your brand online.

  1. Seek help from the best

Turning to a trusted reputation management advisory who works in the trenches with their clients through a complex stakeholder environment is always best.