Join automation is offering manual and automated industrial packing solutions for a various applications

Joinautomation has more than two decades of experience in the manufacturing of sealing, stitching, and packing solutions for all types of manufacturing facilities.

Some varieties of consumer goods reach the end user as is. Even durable shelf table products such as batteries are packaged in some form or another. There are numerous reasons for this. Not only do boxes, bags, blister cards, and other similar materials help in keeping products safe and organized during the transit process but they also serve an important purpose of theft prevention and branding.


grain bagging machine

However, not all packages serve every function. Which type best fits a particular product can only be understood if one has clear knowledge about the differences between radius packaging materials? Most consumers don’t know how to distinguish between primary and secondary packaging even though they encounter both every day.

Primary packaging is what most people talk about when discussing packaging. In simple terms, it is whatever the consumer has to open or remove before they can start using the product. Prominent examples of primary packaging include clamps filled with produce and sports drink bottles. There are various crucial jobs these containers serve from the moment they come off the production line and reach a recycle center or are thrown in the trash.

Protection bags with barriers or liners help protect dry ingredients and other products from contamination and moisture. Bags and boxes are of uniform size to injure that the consumer gets a uniform amount of product for the price. Some of these packages come with convenient features for easy access to the product. Branding is another important aspect of packaging. The manufacturer is getting an opportunity to crap the tension of buyers with the use of attractive colors and graphics.

Secondary packaging is something that is not as fleshy or functional for the consumer. It helps in getting the product to the market. This term refers to anything helpful in managing multiple units of the same product in a bundle. It is beneficial for the transportation of bulk quantity items. Packaging machinery of the present time has evolved significantly allowing manufacturers easily manage their products before they reach the end customer for consumption. Businesses in need of efficient packaging solutions should visit

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