Occupational Health and Safety Management System

ISO 45001 Certification in Kuwait

The state of Kuwait popularly known as Kuwait is a country in the Middle East located in the Arabian peninsula in the northwest corner of Persian gulf. The major part of the economy is derived from petroleum extraction and processing involving heavy machineries and equipment. Manufacturing sector contributes one-tenth of the country’s GDP. Petrol and petroleum derived products are the main export of the country. Since the country has heavy manufacturing industries it requires certain internationally recognized and globally accepted certification to stand apart.


What is ISO?

ISO is an acronym for International Organization for Standardization which is an independent International organization headquartered in Geneva. This organization is responsible for setting international standards and has published more than 22000 standards ranging from food safety, agriculture, healthcare, all manufactured products to technology. The organization has members from 164 different countries and they meet yearly at General Assembly to discuss strategies of ISO.

Occupational Health and Safety

Details about ISO 45001

In this blog we will be explaining you about ISO 45001 which deals with Occupational Health and Safety Management System, explaining it in simpler terms it is related to improving employee safety creating a better safe and secured place for employee’s to work in. It emphasizes on the mission of zero accidents at workplace. ISO 45001 is applicable to all organization irrespective of their size, domain or nature of business.

ISO 45001 certified organization indicates that the organization care for the people who work with them. It instills a sense of confidence among the employee that the organization is very much concerned about the wellbeing, health and safety of their employees. However, it should not be confused with the product safety as Occupational Health and Safety deals with the employee safety only. It is an added endorsement that states that you are complied with international standards.

Benefits of having ISO 45001 certificate

There are many beneficial reasons of having an ISO 45001 certificate

1. One of the most important benefits of having ISO 45001certificate is the health, safety and wellbeing of the employee.

2. If the organization is ISO 45001 certified it instills a sense of confidence among the employee, they tend to start appreciating the organization for taking care of their safety.

3. It also helps in increasing the performance of the employee as they can now work without any tension of work hazard and deliver efficiently.

4. The certificate helps the organization stand out in terms of their employee safety policies.

5. It provides you an edge over other organization regarding safety norms and complying to International standards.

6. It helps in reducing Insurance premium.

Assistance from Finecert

Finecert Consulting helps you get ISO 45001 certification in Kuwait. ISO 45001 is related to Occupational Health and Safety and The state of Kuwait is very much concerned about employee health and safety. We have presence in Kuwait and help you get ISO 45001 in Kuwait.

Everyday there are fatalities reported in work environment, thousand of workers loose their life due to some accident in the workplace. ISO in Kuwait has the agenda to provide this ISO 45001 certification to the organization so that there is less accidents while working and employee can work with full security and safety. This also helps the organization to instill confidence among the employee regarding the safety norms and helps the organization stand out in terms of security concerns of it’s employees. ISO in Kuwait has turned out to be boon for organization for providing them hassle free ISO 45001 certification in Kuwait.

Process for getting ISO 45001 Certificate

With proper guidance and consultation getting ISO 45001 certification in Kuwait gets much easier however these steps should be considered prior to it.

1. First step is Awareness the organization need to be more aware about the ISO 45001 certifications. Learn more about the immense benefits of this certificate.

2. Perform initial Occupational Health and Safety checklist and determine specific area that needs more attention.

3. Make a plan about implementation of this standard into the organization.

4. Raise awareness among it’s employees about ISO 45001 certificate and it’s standards.

5. Conduct small workshop regarding safety issues and concerns and make them aware about it.

6. Design you safety standard and document them in manual and strictly adhere to it.

ISO certifications provide business a leading edge and help you stand apart from others. It’s understandable about the complications that can arise when you apply for internationally recognized certificate so we at Finecert help you provide all the assistance and consultation regarding ISO certification, we ISO 45001 in Kuwait provide Finecert is headquartered in Bangalore city (India ). Finecert is a leading professional organization that help you provide all help that you need to get your ISO certification. We have a team of dedicated professionals that have expertise in these domain that help you provided all the assistance needed. Our mission is to help business more aware abut international standards and provide them consultation and ISO certificate hassle free and help them stand apart.

To get ISO consultation in Kuwait, you can write to us at contact@finecert.com or visit www.finecert.com .