IVD Approved RT-PCR Kit

Introduction to DNA Extraction and how it helps the Medical Field in Sequencing and Other Uses

Many medical sectors extract DNA to understand it and its application. Let’s see some of the most common uses of DNA extraction:


DNA is a key component in any forensic investigation. The DNA extraction can be from any sample- hair, teeth, skin, blood, etc. Forensic teams often use DNA to determine whether a person is a suspect. They can also identify the victim if they are a Jane Doe or John Doe. It helps to prove who was in the vicinity of the crime.

Paternity Tests
DNA are also very important in carrying out paternity tests. The DNA extraction process with the Magnetic Bead-Based Nucleic Acid Purification/Extraction Kit helps identify a person’s lineage. It can tell who the father of the child is. A person who wants to prove they are not the child’s father can take the paternity test to disprove their identity or accept it.

Tracking One’s Ancestry
The DNA tests also allow you to track your ancestry. A person can know the identity of their immediate ancestors. It will help them understand the places their ancestors came from to their current location. It also allows one to trace their unique heritage across countries and continents. They can also find if there are some living relatives elsewhere that may have been lost with time.

Medical Tests
Of course, DNA tests find their way into medical tests as well. DNA sequencing and DNA tests can detect genetic conditions in the patient. Medical experts can detect cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease and even Down syndrome with the help of genetic tests like the Magnetic Bead-Based Nucleic Acid Purification/Extraction Kit. It helps to know if the person carries the disease or not.

Genetic Engineering
DNA extraction is helpful for genetic engineering in plants and animals. Genetic engineering in plants leads to the formation of GMO crops. It helps to identify any recessive gene and remove it. For animals and humans, scientists can transfer the DNA of one to another or even find treatments for complicated diseases.

Vaccines help to control and stop further contraction and spreading of the disease. The DNA may help to create a few of these vaccines. Medical boards do not approve direct DNA vaccines for use. But vaccines with trace amounts of human or animal DNA can help to treat diseases. For instance, the DNA extraction helps in the treatment and development of the hepatitis B Vaccine that carries antibodies contained through recombinant DNA.

Hormones are essential in the growth and sustenance of the people. DNA extraction helps to develop hormones via the recombinant DNA with the Magnetic Bead-Based Nucleic Acid Purification/Extraction Kit. Here are two instances of the use of DNA extraction in hormones:

  • Growth Hormones in Humans: The growth hormones help many people deal with various health conditions. For instance, people who deal with growth issues, renal carcinoma or Tumer’s Syndrome receive relief from the growth hormones.

Insulin: Diabetics often need insulin, and especially people with Type 1 diabetes need insulin due to their fluctuating levels. DNA extraction leads to insulin production via recombinant DNA. The synthesis of these hormones is impossible without reliable and perfect DNA extraction processes. It helps people with various health conditions.