Inhaled And Intranasal Drug Products Demonstrates The Popularity Of Outsourcing Trend

During our research, we were able to capture more than 110 players, which claim to offer services related to inhaled and intranasal drug products.

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Amongst the total players having capability to offer services of inhaled and intranasal drug products, most of the players engaged in this domain are mid-sized firms. Of these, most of companies have been established before 2001. This is followed by the large firms of which, recently established large firms are (in alphabetical order) Kindeva Drug Delivery (2020) and Mapaex (2016).  Further, majority of the inhaled and intranasal drug product service providers (70%) are contract manufacturing service providers. This is followed by 22% players that offer contract research services. In addition, we came across 7% players that offer contract research, as well as manufacturing services.


Further, the demand for nasal spray is expected to capture the majority share. The current demand for nasal sprays is estimated to be 75% of the total demand, and it is likely to grow to at an annualized rate of 3.3%. Moreover, the current demand for inhaled product and intranasal drug delivery systems is the highest in North America, which is 44% of the total demand. This demand is anticipated to increase in a similar manner, at an annualized rate of 3.8%. However, in Europe, the current demand is for inhaled and intranasal drug delivery systems is 30% of the total demand.


As the figure represents, more than 70 % of the companies which offer contract manufacturing services, includes majority of mid-sized players (26%), followed by small-sized (24%) and large players (21%).  Similarly, more than 20% of the companies offer contract research services, of which around 9% of the players are mid-sized firms, followed by small-sized (6%) and large (6%) firms. Further, 8% of the remaining services providers offer both contract manufacturing and contract research services, including large and small-sized firms (4% each).


Majority of the companies (42%) offer liquid-based formulation of the drug, followed by 22% companies offering powder-based and aerosol-based formulations, each. Further, nasal spray was found to be the most common dosage form, used by close to 60% companies as a means of drug delivery. This is followed by companies using MDI and DPI dosage forms (39 each). The other dosage forms preferred by the inhaled and intranasal product service market providers include nebulizers, offered by 26% companies.


A detailed information on the key players, partnerships inked by the developers, company competitiveness, demand analysis and the likely market evolution, was done by Roots Analysis in Q3 2020. For Further, information visit this


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Ben Johnson

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