Independent Adjuster vs. Public Adjuster: What is the Difference?

An insurance claim is not as easy as it looks. It involves a lengthy procedure and without proper guidance can go on forever. Insurance companies shy away from approving the claimed amount or even accepting the claim. To sail through the process, insurance adjuster Miami and clients hire professionals. Sometimes, due to similar names, people get confused between an independent adjuster and a public insurance claims adjuster Miami.


However, there is a big difference between the two. Let us find out what are the striking differences between an independent adjuster and a public insurance claims adjuster South Florida.

Independent Adjuster

Independent adjusters are hired by insurance companies to adjust claims on their behalf. They are not employees of the company, instead, hired by them to independently work on the claim. An insurance company adjuster safeguards the interest of insurance companies.

The scope of work of these professionals varies according to the specialty. For instance, some are experts in adjusting workers’ compensation claims and some are expert property insurance adjusters.

Most of the time, when insurance agencies cannot keep up with the volume of claims, they hire an independent adjuster from a reputed firm. It helps in fastening their claim settlement rate.

Public Adjuster

On the other hand, a public insurance adjuster represents the policyholders to help them sail through the lengthy insurance claim process. A public claim adjuster is hired and paid by the insurance policyholder. They offer comprehensive services, such as:

• Assistance in filing the insurance claim (Paper Work)
• Negotiate with the insurance companies for maximum claim settlement.
• Assess the reports of damage and estimates.
• Make representations on your behalf.

However, it is important to note that a public insurance adjuster is not a lawyer or attorney.


Independent Adjuster or public adjusters, both do the same job but for different parties. Generally, people prefer to hire these professionals to get the maximum settlement and fasten the process. After all, you also want a professional at your side to strengthen your position. Furthermore, they also ensure complete peace of mind in handling every aspect of the claim.