In a new horror game from IKEA, The Backrooms and Sons of the Forest collide

In a new horror game from IKEA, The Backrooms and Sons of the Forest collide

A new independent horror game combining The Backrooms and Sons of the Forest forces you to use survival tactics while confined inside a sizable IKEA.


A new independent horror game combining The Backrooms and Sons of the Forest forces you to utilize building and survival elements to stay alive while imprisoned in a huge, living, and constantly changing IKEA. It’s the worst nightmare I can think of.

the countless aisles and shelves. The nauseating, erratic colors. Shopping for furniture or other “pieces” for the house is a psychological torture to which we are all eventually subjected, perhaps as atonement for some terrible and unforgivable original sin that we cannot understand. The aimless walking and absolute pointlessness of it all. A living death, that. The mind grows dull. Sensations wane. How is it possible that bath mats come in so many varieties? In IKEA, time is meaningless. A minute of regular time turns into an hour, a day, or an entire year, much like a doomed astronaut passing through an event horizon.

So picture spending the rest of your days in an IKEA. Think of the hallways and the enormous, dreary warehouses filled with mattress toppers as seemingly endless. The floor manager might as well be a monstrous flesh monster with a rhino horn for a face. That’s The Store is Closed, a forthcoming independent horror game in which you find yourself stuck inside an IKEA-style furniture store as the buildings around you change and grow and the employees hunt you down for your blood.

You have to build a shelter, gather resources, and steal food from the shop canteen while evading the mutated store employees who, while turning into heaps of tendony meat, still sport their bright-yellow “here to help” t-shirts. Naturally, the objective is to escape, but there is only one method to do so: walk “deeper inside the store.” I’m hoping they’re still selling those inexpensive hotdogs.

The Store is Closed will also have online co-op as you cooperate with others to attempt to survive, similar to Sons of the Forest. You can add it to your wishlist on Steam right now, and you can find out more about the game on its official Kickstarter page. There is no set date for release.

Consider playing some of the top independent PC games or perhaps the finest survival games. As an alternative, check out some of the top cooperative games, such as The Division and Portal 2.