
Implementation of virtual Contactless Legal Services

Barron & Allen Lawyers Mackay & Central Queensland Conveyancing Centre implement virtual Contactless Legal Services

We’d like to say it’s ‘business as normal’, except with a twist. Our usual legal services are continuing to be provided and we have implemented recommended Government hygiene precautions. If you are currently self-isolating, recently returned from overseas or concerned about face to face contact, we have implemented Contactless Legal Services.


With the continued uncertainty, and while disruption to our daily lives continues here in Mackay, we are each in a position to do our part to help contain the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

As part of our contingency plan, Barron & Allen Lawyers Mackay & CQCC have implemented various measures that will enable a safer work environment for our staff and clients.

Firstly, if Australia follows the UK and USA position, then the Courts are in line for a shut down that would see matters de-listed and rescheduled for a later time.

We will be keeping everyone informed as to the latest information we have available regarding the Court schedule. We expect there to be some changes as the situation evolves.

We want all Australians to keep sharing good times and feel safe during this period. We know the country may depend on legal services in this period and we want to assure you of our commitment to that, through the steps we are taking.

We have been using remote appointment technology for a long time. A “CONTACTLESS LEGAL  SERVICE” option is available for anyone who may be self-isolating or wishing to take extra precaution. Barron & Allen Lawyers Mackay & CQCC are fully set up to communicate remotely (if required). All you need is a phone or any device connected to the internet. Meeting face to face remains possible thanks to modern technology, especially at Barron & Allen Lawyers Mackay & CQCC.

We’ve processed an increasing number of property and conveyancing transactions via the PEXA platform, which is very simple to use and makes the process easy. The platform allows us to transact property settlements remotely. So it is business as usual for our conveyancing team.

If you have been thinking about finalising your estate planning, or would just like to review your current Will or Enduring Power of Attorney, we have lawyers ready and willing to assist.

If you’re concerned about your business or finances in relation to insolvency or statutory demands or any other matter is causing concern, we’re here to help.

Need help dealing with upcoming Court dates? We can give you some clarity so you don’t miss your obligations. Our criminal lawyers can provide advice and continue to handle your criminal matter.

We have implemented global best practices to further ensure you enjoy convenient and astute legal services with the confidence we are doing our best for our customers and the community at large.

Our Firm’s office location in Central Mackay CBD will allow clients to safely conduct meetings without direct contact with other parties if desired. Our boardroom features state-of-art sound and visual equipment with high-speed internet.

All government regulations are being followed as they come through for COVID-19 and we have reinforced our good hygiene practices including thorough hand washing and sanitising at our office. We are lucky enough to have our premises away from the hustle and bustle of skyscrapers or heavily trafficked environments.

Once again, if you would like to speak with a lawyer, we encourage you to call because your matter can be handled remotely (i.e. by phone, email or via video call). We look forward to continuing to provide our important services to the community.

Finally, please remember to add our email address to stay abreast of the news, as we will be publishing more frequently in relation to topical matters.

Above all, we look forward to being here in support of you over the coming years and keeping you ahead of the game during this current situation, and into the future.

Yours Sincerely,

Aaron, Erin and the team at

Barron & Allen Lawyers Mackay
