How to Write an Essay?


An essay is a special kind of essay, and every applicant/student will have to write one more than once. Adukar will help you to understand the distinctive features of the brillassignment reviews and give you some tips on how to make the text meaningful.



How does an essay differ from other types of written work?

In essence, an essay is a small essay of free composition, which expresses the personal impressions and thoughts of the author on any occasion or issue. The text can touch upon philosophical, journalistic, historical, literary, popular science topics.


What is the point?

Teachers at the university and organizers of competitions, Olympiads love essays, because it is a great way to develop creative thinking and practice the skill of written expression of thoughts. You can see from the work how one highlights cause-and-effect connections, structures information, and argues for conclusions.


How to write?

The topic should be specific. In an essay, you answer only one question. It does not have a strict structure, but it is advisable to present your thoughts in the form of brief theses and support them with arguments [facts, social events, phenomena, your experience, scientific justifications, references to the opinion of authoritative personalities – editor’s note]. To make the proof in favor of the theses convincing, it is worthwhile to give two arguments each, more would “overload” the text.


In the introduction and conclusion, focus attention on the problem: in the first paragraph, identify it, and in the last paragraph, draw a conclusion. For the essay to be coherent, try to logically connect the fragments with each other.


Use the advantages of the fiction-publicistic style to the maximum. Don’t be afraid to be emotional, expressive, show a sense of humor. That’s how you show your personality. If it’s about personal qualities or abilities, you can, for example, give an answer to the question, “What makes me different from others?” When referring to the words of authority figures, explain why you chose them.


Try to impress the reader with vivid statements, aphorisms. Do not be afraid to argue with yourself, clash conflicting statements. Then the text will seem interesting and memorable.


What shouldn’t you do?

Neglect the norms of language


The text should be written competently. Clean it not only from spelling and punctuation errors, but also from ambiguous expressions, unjustified repetitions, tautologies, unfortunate turns of phrase. Try not to use slang, stamps, and abbreviations so that the essay is taken seriously by the reader.


Don’t back up statements with examples


An essay looks like a loser if the text contains only dry facts. Illustrate statements with cases from life. Otherwise, reading the paper will become a tedious affair.


Dusting your eyes


No one will like excessive embellishment of the real state of affairs. Be honest but positive in your essay.


Don’t fact-check


Misinterpretation of data, mistakes in dates and names will have a bad effect on the essay grade. Don’t be too lazy to review everything again.


Overdoing the volume


Avoid complicated syntactic constructions. Long phrases are no indicator of expertise. Don’t make paragraphs unwieldy. After completing the essay, assign S-short (up to 10 words), M-medium (up to 20 words), L-long (more than 20 words) to each passage. Optimal MSMLMS scheme.


After you’ve finished your essay, ask yourself a few questions: “Did I cover the topic well? and Will my thoughts make sense to the reader?” If all is well, you’ve done well!