How to Stay Popular in the logo design World

It is tough to stay ahead of other competitors in this logo design world. As the trend and advancements in technology keep evolving, it’s hard to determine. A logo is the visual representation of a brand’s idea or purpose in texts, shapes and images or a combination of three formats.  The uniqueness in designing the logo helps a brand stay for an everlasting period.



Brief, Research and Reference:

 To get the design brief, take a survey or create a questionnaire to understand the client’s requirements. This acts as the cornerstone for your design. After the briefing, carry out intensive research like the client’s competitors, their history and business. Post research, look for the current trends and styles that relate to the client’s brand. The logo should stand timeless irrespective of future trends.


Sketching’s Importance:

Sketching should be the first step when designing a logo. The basic composition of your illustration is sketching. The initial design ideas only pave the way to the final outcome. All the final output of a logo is the result of the development of the initial design. When designing a logo using digital notebooks or tablets, there’s a restriction to your illustration. The creativity in developing a doodle or scribble into a design is triggered through pen and paper sketching.


The Value of Presentation:

Overwhelming and cluttered designs should be avoided when designing or while presenting them to clients. Always present the best design logos to clients. High-quality presentations will result in immediate approval of your design by clients. One of the most difficult tasks for designers is the presentation involving new ideas. Since a logo connects people or client’s emotionally it is essential to design a visually stunning logo.


Appropriate Colours:

Colours play an important role in outreaching a brand’s identity. Use colours that match the brand’s business rather than bold colours for all the designs. It is crucial to know the psychology of colours because colour evokes different emotions. Use colours to create balance, consistency and harmony in your design.


Simplicity is the Best Policy:

Simplicity should be the mantra for every logo designer. The people or clients should be able to understand the message at their first glance. Too much incorporation of texts, images, wrong font size, complex design may send a mixed message to the viewers. It is not mandatory that only illustration should be used on logo creation. Simple logo designs of brands like Apple, Nike, google etc., have reached unbelievable hits. So always try to keep the design simple and elegant.

Only by knowing the brand’s purpose and vision, a logo can be designed. A good logo design will help outreach the brand identity, which connects people emotionally. Take into consideration the above-said points to create an effective logo design. If you are planning to design a logo for your business, contact Designpluz. With an exceptional designing knowledge team, Designpluz has created stellar logo designs