How to Start a STO: A Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing

Preparing for STO, such as an ICO, should be broken down into major stages, each of which has a direct or indirect impact on the overall marketing strategy.



The first step is the preliminary step.


Before LAUNCHING A ICO, we’ll make the following preparations:


– White Paper and Private Placement Memorandum


First, create and write a Private Placement Memorandum and White Paper, which provides a general and basic summary of the methodology, as well as a clear explanation of the token concept and tokenomics, the project’s economic plan, business plan, market analysis, project risks, roadmap, and other details that any successful PPM and White Paper should provide.

The basic distinction between a White Paper for an ICO and a White Paper for a STO must be understood. First, project details should be written for competent, accredited investors who have dealt with similar documents before, such as when participating in initial public offerings (IPOs).


– Financial Model and Tokenomics


It’s also worth noting that the tokenomics model’s foundation and definition, as well as the model for attracting investment, are more complicated than the ICO. And you’ll need a fully competent and cohesive principle that works in conjunction with the project’s legal team and STO. If the ICO always drags out mass PR and a huge marketing budget even for questionable concepts, then the STO investor, first and foremost, requires the most comprehensive and reasoned reasoning for how the idea will operate financially and at what cost it will raise money for the entrepreneur. If the project team prepares this unit on its own, you should certainly subject it to a third-party audit in the future. This aspect of successful projects always fails, but the idea has won them over and blinded them. It is too late for the founders to realize this.


– Other content, such as a website


The project’s website will be one of the first sources of touch for many investors, and that should be up to par. The website must be well, address all questions, and serve as a sort of hub for the business, with all required materials and links easily accessible. It can instill self-assurance.

Also, remember to prepare and create additional/other preparatory materials, such as a pitch deck, one-pager, investing teaser, as well as other documentation needed for the promotion.


– All of the above is approached in a convoluted manner.


When a single outsourcing firm does all of the work, from assisting with the drafting and editing of a White Paper to producing website material, it’s perfect. Individual outsourcers are often uninterested in the project’s topic and, as a result, can misunderstand its main benefits; create mismatched materials; and place incorrect accents in content and design. Furthermore, you will spend a significant amount of time describing and introducing your idea to potential outsourcers.


  • Legal framework


While more on this concept will be disclosed in one of the following pages, the legal structure should not be overlooked. A technical role is developed for the project’s legal team during the process of producing all of the materials mentioned above, when the basic idea and tokenomics are indeed clear. It’s crucial to connect attorneys at this point because the final versions of both documents and advertising plan are heavily reliant on the regulations of the country where the issuer is licensed, as well as the regulations of the countries where investors are expected to come from. Following that, lawyers must assist and plan transactions with major investors for the business at all stages of the STO.


  • Choosing a forum for bookbuilding


This issue is only tangentially related to our topic. Choosing a bookbuilding network that meets both technological and legal criteria is also important during the planning stage. There would be an investor portal where he can register and log in via the website to complete the KYC/AML process and make investments. In summary, since this is a separate subject, I would claim that we partially relate this subject to marketing, because the platform’s simplicity and adaptability play a large role in the framework itself, and all rules built into it should be as convenient as practicable for the user and not trigger confidence failure.

Find more information relating to defi marketing plan, and cryptocurrency community management here.