How to Select the best Custom-built Construction for your Industrial Applications

When an industrial business requires a new facility then it’s time to consider the possibilities. Is it temporary or long-term? Make a pre-engineered, pre-designed box or design a custom design and dimension? Which building system is the best?


Each case is unique however there are situations where a particular type of building is a superior alternative to the other. Tension fabric structures are an ideal choice for a variety of industrial building scenarios However, metal and different kinds of fabric buildings come with distinct advantages as well.

“We took the top piece of the metal building industry, which was the rigid frame design, and the most impressive piece of the fabric-based building industry, known as the fabric. Then we made an amalgamation of these two distinctive construction systems. We brought the best attributes into one design,” said Nathan Stobbe the general manager of Legacy.

In the article, we’ll look at the advantages and drawbacks of building with metal and conventional fabric structures as well as steel-framed tension fabric constructions.

Metal Vs. Fabric Building Cost

One of the primary factors for those looking to purchase an entirely new structure is the price. Although there are many variables involved in custom metal buildings to be able to give precise figures, experts in the industry say that traditional steel buildings could increase costs when they have high sides. Fabric structures are affordable at any height, eave, or peak. Fabric structures are usually constructed in a fraction of the time as conventional structures, resulting in an immediate return on investment based on operational time, downtime, and other elements.

But, it’s not the sole factor. We’ll go over the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.

Metal Buildings

Metal buildings usually include a steel frame covered by aluminum or steel sheathing panels. Steel structural members are strong enough to withstand the load of loads such as catwalks and gantry systems. The durability that steel materials provide ensures that the structure is resistant to wear and tear from the elements as well as operational wear and wear and tear.

Certain steel construction systems are designed to facilitate the process of construction and assembly. Pre-fabricated parts like sheathing panels and pre-engineered trusses have been utilized for a long time to make construction easier. Panels are also easier to replace or repair as opposed to other forms of siding. Metal structures are long-lasting and the materials are recyclable after the building has been demolished.

One of the biggest advantages of building with metal is the fact that the frame can be used to create huge clear-span lengths. In certain structures, trusses and posts are a nuisance. In other buildings, they’re a problem like in a hangar for aircraft.

Water leaks are another typical drawback that can destroy the items that are stored inside. Additionally, residential metal buildings cost more and take longer to build in comparison to fabrics, which are both traditional and steel-framed.