Elastic IP address

How to Restore an Elastic IP Address in AWS?

An Elastic IP address is a public IPv4 address, which is reachable from the internet and you can point your domain with it. You can create Elastic IP from your EC2 Panel or from AWS console,

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Well, today our topic is recovering an Elastic IP, which you have deleted by mistake. First thing there is some limitation and AWS saying some rules on it:

Recovering an Elastic IP address

If you have released your Elastic IP address, you might be able to recover it. The following rules apply:

  • You cannot recover an Elastic IP address if it has been allocated to another AWS account, or if it will result in your exceeding your Elastic IP address limit.
  • You cannot recover tags associated with an Elastic IP address.
  • You can recover an Elastic IP address using the Amazon EC2 API or a command-line tool only.


aws ec2 allocate-address –domain vpc –address Must Change this IP to your desired IP.

Now, let’s focus on how to start it.

You will need:

  1. AWS CLI On your PC. You can install it from here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv1.html
  2. Windows, Mac, or Linux PC, and based on your OS, you can download AWS CLI from the above link.

After downloading and install it on your PC:

  1. Run CMD (Command Promot) As Administrator
  2. And prepare your PC with #aws configure
    1. Go to



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Article Source: Elastic IP address
