How to Lose 5 kg in a week

Do 150 minutes of cardio. Cardio exercises or exercises that strengthen the heart and lungs are activities that help burn a lot of calories. When combined with diet, cardiovascular exercise can help with rapid weight loss.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends doing at least 150 minutes or two and a half hours of moderate-intensity exercise per week. If you want to burn more calories, you can exercise for about 300 minutes per week.

Weight is an important factor in our day-to-day lives. Generally, we convert from lbs to kgs because kg is the SI unit for weight. Nevertheless, some European countries still use the Libra pound.

Moderate-intensity activity will vary from person to person. You should practice until you are out of breath and a little sweaty, but you can still maintain the exercise for at least 20-30 minutes.
Enhance exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, boxing or using the elliptical.

Practice interval training for 2-3 days. Besides cardiovascular exercises, you should combine high-intensity interval training. This exercise can help burn more calories.

High-intensity interval training is a new type of exercise. Many studies show that you can burn significant calories in a short time thanks to this type of exercise. Besides, the body will burn more calories from fat.
Interval training also boosts your overall metabolism, or your body’s ability to burn calories, after you’ve completed your workout, sometimes up to 24 hours.

Examples of interval training: 1 minute sprint, 1.5 minutes brisk walking. Repeat for 20 minutes, combining 5 minutes of warming up and 5 minutes of waiting for the body temperature to drop.

Increase activity. To continue to burn extra calories during the week, you need to increase your movement throughout the day. The more you move and the more active you are, the more calories you burn during the day.

Increase daily activities such as walking from home to work or doing housework.
Do these activities as much as you can and walk as much as possible. You should switch to taking the stairs, walking a long distance to where you need to go, parking further away from your destination, or going for a brisk jog during your breaks.

Skip snacks. Eliminating 1-2 snacks a day can be part of a weight loss plan. However, if you want to lose a lot of weight in a short time, you should skip snacking to reduce your overall calorie intake.
If you feel hungry between meals, try drinking 1 cup of water or a cup of decaffeinated coffee/tea. Water and tea/coffee can trick your brain into thinking you’re full.

If you must snack, limit your meals to less than 100-150 calories. Also, make sure your snack is mostly lean protein to hit your daily protein goal.
For example, you could try a snack that includes: a handful (8 nuts) of almonds or other nuts, 1 cup of soy milk, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of hummus, 1 hard-boiled egg or 1 box of low-fat Greek yogurt.

Controlling other lifestyle factors

Get enough 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Sleep is essential for maintaining health and even more so when you want to lose weight. Even if you only lose weight for a week, you need to make sure you get enough sleep.

Not sleeping well will affect the weight loss process. When you lack sleep, your body releases many hormones that make you feel hungry. In addition, sleep-deprived people often crave fatty foods.
Sleep for at least 7-9 hours per night. Try to go to bed early and wake up late if possible. In addition, limit the use of devices that emit sound or light to ensure a deeper sleep.

Stress management. Similar to lack of sleep, excessive stress can make it difficult for the body to lose weight. Try to control and reduce stress as much as possible.
Stress is something that everyone experiences. When stress is prolonged, even at its lowest, the body produces more of the hormone cortisol. This hormone makes it difficult to lose weight, tired and hungry all the time.

Incorporate stress-relieving techniques and activities into everyday life. For example, you can go for a walk, take a warm bath, chat with family or friends, watch a good movie or read an interesting book.
If stress is hard to control or causes you to overeat, affecting a healthy diet and weight loss regimen, you can see a lifestyle coach for support and advice.

Take over-the-counter diuretics. Significant weight loss in a short period of time is difficult, so you may want to consider over-the-counter diuretics. Over-the-counter diuretics help with weight loss.
Diuretics are drugs that help the body get rid of extra water. Sometimes, for some reason from diet or lifestyle, the body can’t get rid of water. This makes you bloated, water retention and causes extra body weight due to water.

Take only over-the-counter medications for a few days. You will find your body flushes out enough water to lose a few kilos in a week.
Taking over-the-counter diuretics for long periods of time is unsafe and not recommended, especially without a doctor’s supervision. Always talk to your doctor before taking an over-the-counter medication to make sure it’s safe and right for you.

Always talk to your doctor before trying to lose weight or change your diet or exercise routine.
If you are still hungry, you can drink 2 glasses of water before eating. This will help you eat less, while water makes you feel fuller.