DNA Genetic Testing for Weight Loss

How to Find the Best Genetic Sequencing Cost in India?

The cost of Genetic Analysis procedures in India depends on various factors. These include the country in which the laboratory is based, the complexity of the problem to be solved, the size and depth of analysis required and the type of facility or institution where the test is carried out. These entire factors depend upon country wise decision making. India has many centers for various types of genetic analysis. This is one of the major reasons for country wise decision making when calculating the cost of various tests.

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The clinical laboratories are mostly located in big cities of India such as New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai and Chennai. It is so because each of these cities has sufficient infrastructure facilities required for carrying out the procedure. These facilities are updated on a timely basis to ensure that the cost of testing is within affordable limits for all the individuals or organizations who seek DNA testing and other related procedures.

The biggest factor affecting the cost of testing is India Post Office which is the biggest service provider for postal costs within the country. The cost of mailing and delivering the DNA samples and other related material is included in the overall cost of doing business. The cost of the entire testing procedure depends on the type of package offered by the laboratory.

Other factors like culture of the DNA samples and number of queries and samples handled during the course of testing also influence the overall cost of DNA Genetic analysis and testing. For instance, the cost of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is affected by the temperature at which the DNA samples are stored. Other factors like country of origin, culture of the individual DNA, number of samples handled and sophistication of testing methodologies used also affects the cost. The sequencing cost in India is therefore dependent upon factors such as country wise decision making, the complexity of the problem, the size and depth of the problem, population of the country, legal agreements regarding DNA testing and so on.

One should always try to get the best possible cost of testing through accredited laboratory. It is true that you may get the best deal and offer from some online DNA labs, but it is highly advised not to blindly believe them. The fact is that there are a number of scam labs whose only motive is to get the maximum amount as possible from unsuspecting clients. So, before deciding to perform any DNA testing procedures, be sure that the lab from which you are planning to perform the test is fully accredited. By checking the credentials of the DNA lab you can easily find whether the testing procedure is correctly done.

In addition to this, one should also make an effort to find out how the DNA Genetic testing laboratory is going to charge its customers. This is not a very difficult task as most of the DNA labs in India are charging fees according to the results and turnaround time of the tests. So, it is important that you find out whether the cost will be different for a same type of DNA test performed at an accredited lab or not.