Extend Student Visa

How To extend Student visa Australia – Step by Step Guide 2020

As you might be aware of the visa application process is complicated, you must follow it precisely. If you want to extend student visa in Australia, read on as we outline what you need to do to stay in the country and continue your adventure!


There are four situations When you might need to extend your visa: 

  • an extended research application
  • a new course of study
  • you have submitted your post-grad theory, but your visa is going to expire
  • The course has been extended for some reason and your visa expires!

How to Apply for Student Visa extension? 

In Australia, to extend student visa Australia, you must apply for a new visa in advance before the existing visa expires. If not, you might chance to get deported, and it may affect the outcome of your future visa applications.

So, don’t delay. Apply with enough time to put your paperwork together and to accept for processing time – up to two to three months is recommended.

You can apply onshore or outside Australia, but the procedures are marginally different. If you accept the valid visa application onshore, you’ll likely be given a Bridging Visa A, or ‘BVA’. This allows you to remain in the country while the new visa is sort out.

If you apply from outside of Australia, you’ll have to wait for the result of the visa before you move into Australia.

Step 1. Enroll in course related to your education field

You may need a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from your educational institution. Rapid Migration Education consultant can guide you to find the right course for you to study. Furthermore, Australian government requires you to have health insurance, so you’ll have to continue your existing Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).

Step 2. Collect Required Documents

Now that you’ve got your CoE and secured OSHC, you can put your paperwork together for your application. The list of papers documents required may change depending on your education institute and the reason you’re applying.

  1. Birth certification copy
  2. Passport copy of every page with an immigration stamp
  3. Latest CV/Resume
  4. National ID card Proof
  5. Marriage certificate, if applicable
  6. Migration agent form 956 if required
  7. OSHC Policy number
  8. Personal statement (Includes why need to extend visa, current position in Australia, study course etc.)

Financial capability evidence 

  • You must provide evidence; you have enough money to cover your expenses and your tuition fees.
  • evidence that your spouse or parents can support you and have an income of at least AUD$60,000 annually for single students or at least AUD$70,000 for students that are accompanied by family members.
  • History of financial assistance from business or person.
  • Proof you have an education loan to cover your tuition fees and living expenses.
  • Financial Statement

Step 3. Submit your student visa application 

Login in to your ImmiAccount, attach all the required documents and lodge your application. Check your email often from the Home Affairs office and respond to any queries if required. You’ll receive a letter of acceptance from the Home Office department, and your Bridging Visa (if submitted onshore). This will cost you AU$ 620.

Don’t panic, if your visa application is denied. As, sometimes, an officer may require more information to check.

Step 4. Biometrics 

Applicants may be required for biometrics after applying. You will receive a letter and can also be able to see this biometrics request in your ImmiAccount. You will be required to submit your biometrics at an Australian Visa Application Centre (AVAC) or an Australian Biometrics Collection Centre (ABCC)

Step 5. Medical Examination           

You may also need to get a medical examination, health check-up to prove you’re in perfect health. You can see the option on your ImmiAccount, click on the ‘health assessment’ tab. You’ll be given a HAP number and a medical appointment letter for a clinic, defining which assessments you’ll need. Once checkup is done, the Medical service will send on your report to the department of home affairs.

Step 6. Apply Before you Travel

Make sure your existing visa is valid and allow you to travel during the application in the process. The bridging visa A will be dismissed if you leave the country. Go to VEVO to Check if you can travel on your current visa or not?

Step 7. Application Status

Once the Immigration officer is assigned to your visa application, he/she might email you for more information required or might be deciding on the current application without contacting you. If the visa is approved, you need to notify your Australian education provider and make the essential procedure for your further accommodation in Australia.

IF you have any query or questions regarding your visa extension, feel free to Contact migration agent in Melbourne with your student visa application.