How To Develop An On-Demand Multi-Service App That Fulfills Multiple On-Demand Needs of The Customers?

Multi-services apps are trending. The name itself suggests that they offer multiple needs through a single app. Well, users also prefer having a single app rather than having multiple apps for multiple services. It has made businesses invest in multi-service app development for businesses to serve their customers.


A lot of entrepreneurs are moving towards multi-service application development to offer several services via a single app to gain more customers.

So, if you are an entrepreneur who wants to create an app that fulfills the need of almost anything for the customers then invest in multi-service app development.But, before you invest in a multi-delivery service app project, make sure you know about how to build such an app. This article will help you know about the important aspects of multi-delivery apps and the development process.


Statistics of Multi-Service Apps

According to stats, nearly 50% of the time is invested by users on a single app and 70% of usage is recorded through 3 apps. This data shows that people spend a considerable amount of time on a single app than on multiple apps.

It resulted in the introduction of the idea of multi-service app development also known as Super Apps.


Types of Multiple Services Offered Through Multi-delivery Service App

You can get anything delivered through a multi-service delivery app and the basic services are

Ride services

Car rental, Taxi ride, etc

Delivery services


Courier delivery, Fuel delivery, Food delivery, Medicine delivery, Grocery delivery, Flower delivery, etc

Additional services

Electrician, Plumber, Fitness, Car wash, Handyman, beauty, Car repair services.


Why Invest in On-demand Multi-Services App

  1. The main reason to invest in on-demand multi-service app development is that it helps deliver almost anything via a single app. When businesses offer multiple services through a single app it helps them grow and attract more customers.
  2. The multi-service app expenses are less as compared to a single service app.
  3. Lastly, customers find it convenient to use a single app for multiple services.


How a Multi-Service App Helps Businesses Earn Profits?

Some of the monetization strategies followed by a multi-service app are

  • Commission
  • Delivery commission
  • The fee charged to the customer


Multi-Service App – Simple Steps To Create An App


1. Select The Platform

You can choose from 3 different platforms for multi-service on-demand delivery app development

  1. Native Apps
  2. Cross-Platform Apps
  3. Web Apps

In case you are not sure about the number of platforms you should target as to whether to target only iOS or Android or both, focus on your target audience to find the answer. If you are targeting a particular audience, simply target a single platform. If you want to target a wider audience then target both iOS and Android with 2 individual apps for each platform.


2. Features To Be Integrated Into Your Multi-service App

Some of the basic features you need in your multi-service app areas are listed below. Also, you can check out the big players in the market for different features present in their app.

  • GPS
  • Social media integration
  • Multi-language support
  • Send push notification
  • Schedule booking
  • Payment gateway integration


3. Technology Stack To Be Considered For Multi-service App Development

It is one of the vital factors to be considered while building a multi-service app. The right selection of technology stack contributes to the success of any on-demand delivery app development. You need to pay attention to minute details while creating a multi-service app and the technology stack you can opt for are

  • Flutter
  • Xamarin
  • Native Script
  • React Native etc


4. Vital Components To Focus On For Multi-service App Development

A lot of vital components can help your app perform better. So, make sure you consider these components

  • App platform
  • User-friendly App design
  • White-label solution
  • Design and Development

Testing and Launch


Different Methods To Build A Multi-Service App

You can build an on-demand multi-service appby hiring mobile app development services USAor any other city you reside in. You can opt to build your app either from scratch or opt for readymade app development solutions to save time and cost.


1. Building an app from Scratch

Certainly, this way of building a multi-delivery service app involves multiple steps. You need to engage in detailed market analysis, focus on design and then choose tech stack, etc.


2. Hire an expert Multi-service app development company

If you do not have a technical background, it is always better to hire an expert multi-service app development company to build an app. They can help you build an app from scratch or offer white label app development solutions to customise it to meet your needs.



The on-demand multi-service app has a bright future and you can also be part of this successful venture. The aspects mentioned in this blog would surely help you run a successful multi-delivery service app.


The on-demand multi-service delivery app is the trending business idea that most businesses and entrepreneurs are looking forward to grab possible opportunities. You can also offer multiple services through a single app and reach a wider audience. If you need the right digital solutions for app development, get in touch with The Q Devan expert mobile app development company having expertise in building successful apps for clients. We help you leverage our app development solutions that let you attain success in the coming years. Get in touch with us to get an app solution that makes a difference to your multi-delivery business.

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On-Demand Multi-Service App Development 


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