How to choose LED or LCD signs for your business?

Apart from real estate signs, sign repair Seminole FL is becoming more and more popular among businesses as they provide a less expensive, energy-efficient way to display messages. However, it can be not easy to choose which LED sign will work best with your business. This blog post highlights tips to help you make the right signage choice for your company!


Determine what message you want your sign to display.

It would help if you think about what your company is trying to achieve and how you want others to perceive your business. Are you trying to drive people into the store with an eye-catching message? Or, are you looking to display information in a way that will allow passersby to grasp the basic concept of your business quickly? The answer to these questions will determine whether or not an led signs Seminole FL or an LCD sign will be suitable for your type of business.

Determine where you want the LED sign or LCD sign displayed.

LED signs can be easily mounted inside and outside of your business. However, LCD screens can only be displayed indoors due to static issues. real estate signs Seminole FL are lightweight and easy to transport, making it easy for you to install the screen at any location within the store or building. LCD signs tend to be much heavier and bulky, making it hard to get them into the place you want without damaging your property.

Determine how much money you are willing to spend on signage for your business.

If you are starting and need a place to showcase your business, a single LED sign won’t set you back too much. However, if you want to make a significant investment in your business, LCD signs will likely be the way to go. Also, ensure that the Signage company offers a sign repair service, in case you need one.

Evaluate what size of LED sign or LCD sign is right for your business.

Most LED signs come as either horizontal or vertical boards. The larger the LED sign, the more expensive it will be. On the other hand, LCD screens are available in many sizes, so you won’t need to purchase a large screen if you want to display a handful of messages.


The most important thing to remember is that you need to ask yourself a few key questions when deciding which LED Signs are right for your business. You can quickly avoid making the wrong decision by using this information and asking yourself the right questions. Also, remember that you must choose the best sign repair company for better signs. The company can also provide real estate signs, apart from LED signs.