How To Bring Your Landscape To Life This Spring

Burlington winters can be hard on properties. They don’t always look their best due to all the salt and slush from the roads. Spring is just around the corner so it’s a good time to think about landscaping service Fort Lupton CO your home and making it look beautiful. These are some ways to bring spring to your landscape.


Seasonal clean-up

A basic yard clean-up is the first thing you can do this spring to bring your french drain repair Fort Lupton CO to life. It will make your home look great. This includes cleaning up all debris and branches that may have fallen from your yard over the winter.

Make it up

After you’ve cleaned up any large debris in your yard it’s time for the rake to come out. To ensure healthy grass, you can rake up dead and fallen leaves.

Prune, prune, prune

Although it may seem counterintuitive to cut shrubs or bushes you wish to grow, it is actually the best thing. You will get more growth from your plants if you trim the dead parts.

Edge the lawn

You don’t have to create an edge between your sidewalk and your sod installation Fort Lupton CO. Also, make sure you edge between your lawns and your garden. This will help you keep your garden looking neat and tidy, as well as improve the aesthetics. There are tools that can be used to edge lawns.

Add new mulch

Do you have mulch areas in your yard? Mulch should be removed every season and replaced with new mulch. This will keep the area looking new and helps control moisture absorption. It also prevents weeds from growing by covering them up. Also, wait until the plants sprout to ensure that the mulch doesn’t build up on them. This will prevent your plants from growing.

Fertilize your Grass

A good fertilizer is essential for lush green grass. It is best to fertilize your grass just before or after rains, as this is when it will be most effective. These are just a few ways to keep your Burlington yard looking great and ready for spring. If the yard is too large or you don’t have the time, you can hire a landscaping service to maintain your yard and ensure your home looks great.