How The Ketogenic Diet Works In Weight Loss

The ketogenic diet triggers the body to enter into ketosis. Routinely, the body utilizes the components of carbohydrates as its primary source of energy, mainly because carbohydrates are more straightforward for the body to absorb.



Nevertheless, if the body runs out of carbohydrates, it starts making use of fats and protein for its energy production.

To begin with, the body is programmed to use carbohydrates as a source of energy when it is available. But in the absence of carbohydrates, the body will revert to using fat as an alternative.


Finally, the body will start using proteins as a source of energy where there is extreme depletion of its carbohydrates and fat stores. Nevertheless, the breaking down of proteins for energy may lead to a general loss of lean muscle mass.


Note that the Pruvit diet does not fully depend on the calories in calories out model. This is mainly because the composition of these calories matters due to the hormonal response of the body to varying macronutrients.


Nevertheless, there are two schools you should consider in the keto community. One says calories and fat consumptions do not matter, while the other says that calories and fats do matter.

When you are on a Pruvit Keto os diet, you are trying to look for a balance point. As much as calories matter, the composition of those calories is essential as well. While on a ketogenic diet, the essential factor of the composition of those calories is the balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates and how they affect insulin levels.


The above balance is essential since any rise in insulin stops lipolysis. So eat food that will create the smallest rise in insulin. This will put your body in the state of burning stored body fat for fuel, which is also called lipolysis.

Normally the body will go into ketosis by itself. This is normally the case when you are in the fasting state. In this state, the human body tends to burn fats for energy as the body carries out its repair and growth while you sleep.


Given that carbohydrates generally make up most of the calories in a regular meal. The body is most inclined to make use of the carbohydrate as a source of energy since it’s easily absorbable. This also means that the proteins and fats in the diet are going to be stored.


But in a ketogenic diet, most of the calories are from fat rather than carbohydrates. This is mainly because ketogenic diets have low amounts of carbohydrates. These low amounts of carbohydrates in the body cause an apparent shortage of fuel for the body.

The shortage in carbohydrates forces the body to look for alternative sources of energy (stored fats). But the body does not make use of the fat in the recently ingested meal but stores them for the next round of ketosis.


The body will get used to burning fat for energy, and this means that fats in an ingested meal will soon become used up with very little left for storage.


One of the reasons why the Pruvit Reboot diet uses a high amount of fat consumption so that the body can have plenty for energy production, but remain capable of storing some fat. You should know that the body should manage to store some excess fat; in any other case, it will begin breaking down its proteins stores in muscles in ketosis.


In fasting periods -this is times when you take no meals, such as ketosis, between-meal, and also during sleep. The body will still demand a constant supply of energy, and you usually have these periods in your normal day. That’s why you need to consume enough amounts of fat for your body to use as energy.

If you don’t have enough stored fat, the protein in your muscles becomes the next target for the body to use as energy. That’s why it is essential to eat enough to avoid these cases.


The main aim of a ketogenic diet is to copy the state of starvation in the body. The ketogenic diet deprives your body of its desired immediate and easily convertible carbohydrates by restricting and severely reducing carbohydrate intake. This situation forces the body into the fat-burning mode for the production of energy.


Find more information relating to Pruvit, and Pruvit Keto os here.