How PRP Injections Help with Painless Treatment of Neuropathy?

Neuropathy conditions affect the body and the functioning of nerves leading to a range of conditions. It tends to disrupt the spinal co-ordination, cause muscle weakness, and pain. Extreme conditions of neuropathy is caused due to the damage of the peripheral nervous system which interrupts the signal between brain and spinal cord.

  • Understanding the Symptoms of Neuropathy Condition

There are some symptoms which shows mild to severe impact and hence signals the occurrence of the neuropathy. The symptoms arise in case of neuropathy condition due to either damage of a single or multiple nerves. It is crucial to contact neuropathy doctor Fentonupon experiencing any of the symptoms.

The most common symptom during such condition is stiffness in hand or feet. As the nerves are damage, it tends to even cause stiffness, fatigue, and stinging sensation. It even tends to cause a cold or burning sensation around the hand or feet area.

  • Painless Therapy for Long Term Treatment of Neuropathy

Neuropathy can cause many types of disease and mostly caused due to weakened nerve or damage. It can also be caused due to auto-immune disease, cholesterol medication increase in the built up of toxins, chemotherapy, cardiovascular disease, diabetes etc. The nerves are generally impaired due to lack of nutrients or blood supply to vessels.

The PRP Fentontreatment is one of the most effective. In this treatment, platelet rich plasma is used for healing and this even triggers and activates the growth of new tissue. The platelets are one of the natural blood cells and it helps in increased healing and tissue growth.

  • The PRP consists of high number of platelets and in this therapy process, doctor extracts blood sample and centrifuges and separates the platelets. The platelets are combined with the blood plasma. This platelets injected from external source helps with quick healing.
  • The sample of PRP is extracted or taken from the body of the patient. The plasma is combined with platelets and forms the PRP injections. This is injected at the affected site and this triggers the process of healing around the surrounding tissue.
  • The neuropathy doctor Fentonrecommend the use of this method. It is highly effective and painless and with the injection of the platelets, it initiates healing process and naturally helps in healing.
  • It consumes less time and gives quick relief from the damage. It is minimally invasive and hence is effective for reducing neuropathy related symptoms. The injection provides the injected area with proteins and growth factors. This speeds up the healing process.


  • PRP as Effective Treatment for Reducing Neuropathy

A lot of neuropathy doctors recommend PRP Fentontreatment as it is quick, painless, and activates a natural healing process. It is effective as it helps in eliminating the issue from the root and reduce pain. It helps with regeneration of the nerve tissues.

The use of PRP injections helps in repairing and healing damaged muscles, tendons, joints etc. It even helps with rejuvenation of skin with its ability to stimulate production of collagen. It helps with the restoration of the function.


Find more information relating to neuropathy doctor fenton, and prpfenton here.