How Many Miles Will a Rebuilt Engine Last?

The car is completely dependent on the engine. Once an engine busts or seizes, then manufacturing it once again or replacing the entire engine are the only options. However, people prefer remanufacturing option to keep the original engine still intact and running. The original car engine when you purchase or lease a car can run as long as you keep maintain it. Engine services keep the engine alive and running well. Engine repair shop and garages have professionals for this job.

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The Life Span of Remanufactured Engine 

The remanufactured, rebuilt or repaired engine can last up to another 200,000 miles on the car! Such solid rebuilt can help the car to run longer and increase the span of the engine. It is completely new in other words. If you have a brand new car and you consider remanufacturing the engine yourself, then it mainly depends on the professional for the job you opt for. This is heavy-duty and under the hands of a true engine master, you can expect 75,000 miles extra run on the car. If you want your car engine to run perfectly smooth forever, then a remanufacture can enhance your car in many ways. The rebuilt of the timing ring of the engine can hoist the livability factor. Professionals remanufacture the engine welding and putting modern and brand new pieces that were once prone to resmelting. Due to this factor, the performance of the engine gets a heavy thrust for a total of 30 years on it maximum if you keep up with the engine. In simple words, your remanufactured engine is similar to a brand new car engine with extra longevity. 

Some Poor Cases

If you have a very low-performance car, then a rebuilt engine would only have about 75,000 miles on it. It would not work on a low budget! You need to boost some heavy amount if you want to keep it in sets of 10 years. The maximum you can run your car is no more than 100,000 miles on down budget engine rebuilding. This might not be for you if you keep track of your engine’s maintenance.

How Many Miles Do Original Engines Run 

Modern and latest car engines can last up to perhaps 10 years maximum, under solid maintenance that makes up 200,000 miles in total. The older car engines were maximum of eight years making 150,000 miles in total before, and that too under-car service history. The average expectancy of every car these days last up to more than just eight years now, because modern technology has taken a good turn.


Remanufacture is the best option that replacing an original engine. It can save a longer life for the car through such superb factors and goes convenient on the wallet as well. The remanufactured engine can last even longer than the original engine and the best record for it is 300,000 miles on a car! This was all about mileage on your remanufactured engine.