How is color added to old black and white movies?

The majority of the classic black and white movies have been colored so that they can be shown on television in color. It seems that the process used for adding color is extremely tedious. Experts need to work on the movie frame by frame adding the colors one at a time to each part of the individual frame.


how to colorize black and white video

Quick and efficient

To speed up the process the coloring is done on a computer using a digital version of the film. The film is scanned into the computer and coloring artists can we view the movie one frame at a time on the computer screen. The artist is capable of growing the outline for each color area and the computer then automatically fills in it. The original black and white film contain all the brightness information so the artist can feel the large areas of the single color and allowed the original film to handle the brightness gradients. It means that the artist might only have to add 10 or more actual colors to a scene.

Better results

For improving the efficiency of the process palletization is another common technique. From frame to frame there is very little variation in the position of objects and actors. Therefore the artist manually colors every 10 frames and lets the computer field in the frames in between. The emergence of AI-powered colorize videotools has further improved the overall performance and efficiency of the video colorization process.

A computer-guided program can now automatically detect and gradient and other related factors before filling in the colors inside. Digital artists can now execute the process more appropriately at a relatively lesser time. AI-powered auto colorize videotools can do wonders when it comes to the colorization of old photographs and movies. for more information on film colorization software.