How Important Is Sport for Children?

Sport has always been a tool for not only physical but also mental wellbeing. In addition to the numerous advantages that sport brings to the body such as the development of the bone system, weight control, disease prevention and other psycho-physical benefits, sporting activity promotes a series of educational values ​​such as discipline, self-esteem, teamwork, etc.


All these variables contribute to the development of the person, to his sense of identity and belonging and that is why sport takes on a certain importance for children.

Why play sports as a child: the results of scientific research

Experts argue that sport, in whatever form it takes, is a determining factor in cognitive and neural functioning. This was demonstrated by a study carried out in 2014 by the University of North Texas. The researchers found that the children who played sports were also the ones who scored higher on the reading and math tests.

The same result was obtained from a research carried out by scientists at the University of Illinois, who using MRI data to measure brain size, found that physically active children had a larger hippocampus than their sedentary peers and have got higher scores on memory tests.

Furthermore, experts recognize in sporting activity as well as the aforementioned psycho-physical benefits, also:

  • coordination skills;
  • strength and endurance;
  • Balance;
  • Speed

All these abilities, if acquired in the growth phase, will last until adulthood even if physical activity is interrupted for a few years.

The importance of sport for children is demonstrated by scientific studies, but today 1 in 3 children is overweight and only 35% plays sports

What is the right time to start playing sports?

In today’s contemporary society it is easy for individuals to adopt a sedentary lifestyle from an early age and unfortunately Italy ranks as one of the most sedentary countries in Europe.

This is why it is necessary to start practicing sports at the earliest age of development, when the skeletal system and muscles are in the formation phase and are going through the growth process.

Start with balance bike if your child is at the age between 18 months to 3/4 years to make him/ her active.