How Heavy is a Firefighting Gear: Facts You didn’t Miss

Are you planning to get into the profession of a firefighter? Or, some of your loved ones are going into it. Then, you may be interested in learning the details about the firefighting gear. For every firefighter, the fire equipment and safety gear are important. You can buy fire fighting equipment online. But what about the details? How to know which equipment is for what purpose? Do not worry. You focus on buying the best fire equipment and safety gear while we will discuss the details about it. Ranging from what it is to how it is used- all will be discussed. You may be concerned about the weight of the gear. We will answer that too. So, without any delay, let’s proceed.


What is firefighting gear?

It is a combination of turnout gear with a breathing apparatus, a personal alert safety system, and modern communication equipment. The turn-out gear is also known as bunker gear. It is named so because the pants and boots used to be kept at the bunker in earlier days.

How heavy is firefighting gear?

If you go to fire fighting equipment, you will find most of them weighing around 45 pounds. The weight depends on how many types of equipment are attached to it. However, the basic protective gear includes a helmet, hood, pants, gloves, coat, boots, and air pack. In some cases, thermal imag9ing cameras, box lights, radio, etc are added. The weight then is increased up to 75 pounds.

What is the use of it?

The gear is used to protect firefighters from any harm when they enter into fire-stricken buildings. While the boots and helmet protect the body parts from burning, the communication system helps to communicate outside with the firefighting team. The breathing machine attached to the gear helps to breathe fresh air as the air inside a burning building is mostly smoky and unhealthy. Anyways, nowadays, most fire cases are fought from outside using advanced tools and techniques. So, they do not have to wear such heavy protective gear.

So, learned the details? The gear’s weight is around 45 pounds if no other additional item is attached.