How do locksmiths make keys without an original key?

We’re going today to share some trade secrets. We will show you how locksmiths can make a new key if the original one has been lost or stolen. Even if the key isn’t available, it is possible to recover function from an existing lock. This is known as “impressioning” by a locksmith service Rancho Santa Margarita CA.

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What Kinds of Locks can we Make a New Key to Use Impressioning?

You can use this method with many locks styles, but it’s the most difficult thing you will have to do. It’s simple to make a duplicate of a key blank.

What is the cost to have a locksmith make a new key?

This technique is a good option if you only need a locksmith to make your high-security keys. The average price in the country is $30 to $35, plus the blanks for impressioning.

What materials are needed to make the key?

If you are unable to find the right key blank for your lock, it is important that you determine which type of key blank is required. Because there are so many different key blanks, this step can be quite challenging. If you are interested in learning more, you can take the lock to a locksmith. He/she will give you the correct key blank.

Steps to Make a Key without the Original

1. Ask a locksmith for a few key blanks. The lock will not turn even if you have found the key blank.
2. Next, file the key blank into sharp points. We do this using a Pin file.
3. After you have the key down, grab a pair of vice grips to secure the blank. Hold the flame under the key with a lighter for a few seconds.
4. Use the vice grips to insert the sharpened key blank in the lock. Then, twist the key. The blank should be marked by the wafers and pins within the lock.
5. After you have made the small marks on the key blanks, it is time to file the key down.
6. Then, place the key blank in the lock again and continue the process.
7. Keep taking impressions, and continue to fill in the blank until the lock turns inside.
8. After the key has been turned in the cylinder, inspect the key for new markings. You can fine tune the key by filing them according to these impression markings.
9. You can do this as many times as you need. Once the key opens the lock smoothly, you can make the necessary cuts to create a new key. You can’t just stop there.
10. Once you have the key markings correct, you can take it back to the locksmith or if you have the tools do it yourself.